出租方(甲方)lessr (hereinafter referred t as party a):
承租方(乙方)lessee (hereinafter referred t as party b):
in ardane with relevant hinese laws、derees and pertinent rules and regulatins ,party a and party b have reahed an agreeent thrugh friendly nsultatin t nlude the fllwing
一、 物业地址latin f the preises
甲方将其所有的位于合肥经济技术开发区__________的厂房及其附属设施在良好状态下出租给乙方______ _____使用。具体见附件厂房*面图。
party a will lease t party b the preises and attahed failities all wned by party a itself, whih is lated at _______________________________________ __________________________ and in gd nditin fr_____________ .nrete details in planietri apin
二、 物业状况
the registered size f the leased preises is_________square eters (grss size)。thestruturefpreisesis stealstruture;
三、 租赁期限lease ter
the lease ter will be fr _____(nth) _____(day) _______(year) t ________(nth) _____(day) _______(year)。 party a will lear the preises and prvide it t party b fr use befre _____(nth) _____(day) _______(year)。
四、 租金rental
数额:双方商定租金为每月人民币_____________元整,乙方以___________形式支付给甲方 .
aunt: the rental will be ____________per party b will pay the rental
t party a in the fr f ____________in
payent f rental will be ne installent everynth(s)。 the first installent will be paid befre_______(nth)______(day)__________(year)。 eah suessive installent will be paid_____________eah
party b will pay the rental befre using the preises and attahed failities (in ase party b pays the rental in the fr f reittane, the date f reitting will be the day f payent and the reittane fee will be brne by the ) party a will issue a written reeipt after reeiving the payent
in ase the rental is re than ten wrking days verdue, party b will pay perent f nthly rental as verdue fine every day, if the rental be paid 15 days verdue, party b will be deeed t have with drawn fr the preises and breah the in this situatin, party a has the right t take bak the preises and take atins against party b"s
五、 保证金depsit
guarantying the safety and gd nditins f the preises and attahed failities and aunt f relevant fees are settled n shedule during the lease ter, party b will pay _________t party a as a depsit befre _____(nth) _____(day) _______(year)。 party a will issue a written reeipt after reeiving the
unless therwise prvided fr by this ntrat, party a will return full aunt f the depsit withut interest n the day when this ntrat expires and party b lears the preises and has paid all due rental and ther
in ase party b breahes this ntrat, party a has right t dedut the default fine, pensatin fr daage r any ther expenses fr the depsit . in ase the depsit is nt suffiient t ver suh ites, party b shuld pay the insuffiieny within ten days after reeiving the written ntie f payent fr party
六、 甲方义务bligatins f party a
party a will prvide the preises and attahed failities (see the appendix f furniture list fr detail) n shedule t party b fr
in ase the preise and attahed failities are daaged by quality prbles, natural daages r disasters, party a will be respnsible t repair and pay the relevant
party a will guarantee the lease right f the therwise, party a will be respnsible t pensate party b"s
七、 乙方义务bligatins f party b
party b will pay the rental, the depsit and ther expenses n
party b ay derate the preises and add new failities with party a"s when this ntrat expires, party b ay take away the added failities whih are revable withut hanging the gd nditins f the preises fr nral
party b will nt transfer the lease f the preises withut party a"s apprval and shuld take gd are f the therwise, party b will be respnsible t pensate any daages f the preises and attahed failities aused by its fault and
party b will use the preises lawfully arding t this ntrat withut hanging the nature f the preises and string hazardus aterials in therwise, party b will be respnsible fr the daages aused by it
party b will bear the st f utilities suh as uniatins, water, eletriity, gas, anageent fee n tie during the lease
party b will signe the agreeent f preises anageent with the anageent pany whih was e*ed by party b itself,and bear the anageent
withut the apprval f party a,party b an‘t derate the preises ,ake advertiseent the
八、 合同终止及解除的规定terinatin and disslutin f the ntrat
within tw nths befre the ntrat expires, party b will ntify party a if it intends t extend the in this situatin, tw parties will disuss atters ver the
when the lease ter expires, party b will return the preises and attahed failities t party a within any belngings left in it withut party a"s previus understanding will be deeed t be abandned by party in this situatin, party a has the right t dispse f it and party a will raise n
this ntrat will be effetive after being signed by bth any party has n right t terinate this ntrat withut anther party"s anything nt vered in this ntrat will be disussed separately by bth parties
九、 违约及处理breah f the ntrat
during the lease ter, any party wh fails t fulfill any artile f this ntrat withut the ther party"s apprval will be deeed t breah the bth parties agree that the default fine will in ase the default fine is nt suffiient t ver the lss suffered by the faultless party, the party in breah shuld pay additinal pensatin t the ther
十、争议解决dis* reslve
bth parties will slve the dis*s arising fr exeutin f the ntrat r in nnetin with the ntrat thrugh friendly in ase the agreeent annt be reahed, any party ay suit the dis* t the urt that has the jurisditin ver the
十一、免责条件exeptin lause
in the event f the reasn aused byfre ajeureake the ntrat nt perfr r prbut any lss,party a r party b will nt bear the bligatins eah
2、因国家政策需要拆除或改造已租赁的房屋,给甲、乙双方造成损失的,互不承担责任。if the lss f bth parties aused by reve r rentrutive the preies due t natinal pliies, party a r party b will nt bear the bligatins eah
in the event f the reasn entined abve, payent f rentalwill beunted at the atual nths r atual days if it dn‘t reah a full
any annex is the integral part f this the annex and this ntrat are equally
there are 2 riginals f this eah party will hld 1 riginal(s)。
the hinese language versin and the english language versin f this agreeent shall have equal legal in the event f nflit, the hinese language versin f this agreeent shall
ther speial ters will be listed bellws:
甲 方:
party a
id n
电 话:
代 理 人:
日 期: