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时间:2023-03-14 08:15:06 来源:网友投稿

适合小学生阅读的双语故事1  Twomenweretravelingtogether,whenabearsuddenlymetthemontheirpath.  两个*常非常要好的朋友一起走在旅行的下面是小编为大家整理的适合小学生阅读双语故事,菁选2篇,供大家参考。



  Two men were traveling together, when a bear suddenly met them on their path.

  两个*常非常要好的朋友一起走在旅行的途中,突然遇到一头大熊 。

  One of them climbed up quickly into a tree and concealed himself in the branches.


  The other, seeing that he must be attacked, fell flat on the ground, and when the bear came up and felt him with his snout, and smelt him all over, he held his breath, and feigned the appearance of death as much as he could.


  The Bear soon left him, for it is said he will not touch a dead body.


  When he was quite gone, the other traveler descended from the tree, and jocularly inquired of his friend what it was the Bear had whispered in his ear.


  "He gave me this advice," his companion replied. "Never travel with a friend who deserts you at the approach of danger."



  (1)All is quiet in the Bear family"s tree house. At seven o"clock, the alarm clock wakes Brother and Sister up. Five minutes later, they are back to sleep!


  (2) The school bus starts on its way. It picks up small bears for school today. What about Brother and Sister Bear? Will they be ready when the bus gets there?


  (3) The bus stops here. The bus stops there. It picks up bear after bear after bear.


  (4) Will our cubs be ready? It is a worry! They need to hurry. But are they hurrying? They are not.


  (5) Mama sees the bus. She starts to worry. To catch that bus, her cubs must hurry. But they are still sleeping!


  (6) "Wake up! Wake up!" Sister and Brother wake up and see an angry mother. The old school bus is almost there.


  (7) Hurry! Hurry! Wash and dress. Comb and brush. Eat some breakfast! Off you rush!


  (8) At eight o"clock, they catch the bus and say hello to everyone!


推荐访问:双语 小学生 适合 适合小学生阅读双语故事 菁选2篇 适合小学生阅读的双语故事1 适合小学生阅读的双语故事100字 适合小学生阅读的双语故事1年级 适合小学生阅读的双语故事10字