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时间:2023-02-14 20:30:04 来源:网友投稿



  【提要】公共英语英语信息 : 2020年公共英语五级阅读检测题【1】


  SECTION III Reading Comprehension

  50 minutes

  Read tile following texts and answer the questions which accompany them by choosing A, B, C or D. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1.Text 1Austerity is a word often found on the lips of politicians and economists at the moment, but it

  is seldom heard from technologists. And although the idea that "less is more" has many adherents in architecture, design and fashion, the technology industry has historically espoused the opposite view. Products should have as many features as possible; and next years version should have even more. As prices fall, what starts off as a fancy new feature quickly becomes commonplace--try buying a phone without a camera, or a car without electric windows--prompting companies to add new features in an effort to outdo their rivals. Never mind if nobody uses most of these new fea-tures. In an arms race, more is always more.

  But now there are signs that technologists are waking up to the benefits of minimalism, thanks to two things: feature fatigue among consumers who simply want things to work, and strong de- mand from less affluent consumers in the developing world. It is telling that the market value of Apple, the company most closely associated with simple, elegant high-tech products, recently overtook that of Microsoft, the company with the most notorious case of new-features. True, Apples products contain lots of features under the hood, but the company has a knack for concea- ling such complexities by using elegant designs. Other companies have also prospered by providing easy-to-use products: think of the Nintendo Wii video-game console or the Flip video camera. Gadgets are no longer just for geeks, and if technology is to appeal to a broad audience, simplicity trumps fancy specificatiorns.

  Another strand of techno-austerity can be found in software that keeps things simple in order to reduce distractions and ensure that computer-users remain focused and productive. Many word pro- cessors now have special full-screen modes, so that all unnecessary and distracting menus, palettes and so on are disabled or hidden; rather than fiddling with font sizes or checking e-mail, you are encouraged to get on with your writing. If the temptation to have a quick look at Facebook proves too much

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