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时间:2023-01-25 17:55:06 来源:网友投稿

雅思口语考试常用语1  11.Aneyeforaneye  [字面意思]:以眼还眼。  [实际意思]报复,复仇,惩罚。说明:Atoothforatooth的意思是“以牙还牙”。这两条成语可放在一起用下面是小编为大家整理的2023年度雅思口语考试常用语,菁选3篇(精选文档),供大家参考。



  11. An eye for an eye


  [实际意思]报复,复仇,惩罚。说明:A tooth for a tooth 的意思是“以牙还牙”。这两条成语可放在一起用,也可用任何一个,意思一样。

  E.g.: She abused him, and he insulted her; an eye for an eye.

  这个习语相信大家都是知道的哦~ 因为在我们中文也有对应的~就是以牙还牙,以眼还眼~

  12. Face the music


  [实际意思] 面对批评或惩罚;接受由于自己的行为所造成的不良后果。

  E.g.: You should tell your mother what happened and face the music.

  小伙伴们千万不要理解为面对音乐哦~ 这样是不make sense的哒~ 如果我们犯了错,就得face the music咯~Orz

  13. Have one’s head in the clouds


  [实际意思] 不实际的;不现实的;想入非非。

  E.g.: The proposal he made was not feasible; I think he has his head in the clouds.


  14. Have one’s heart in one’s mouth


  [实际意思] 害怕,紧张。

  E.g.: I had my heart in my mouth when I checked my IELTS result.

  有木有!~有木有!~大家在查雅思成绩的时候心里是不是都非常紧张呢~ 以后口语考试中用have one’s heart in one’s mouth代替nervous,瞬间感觉高大上了有木有!

  15. Cost an arm and a leg


  [实际意思] 价格非常昂贵。变形体:Pay an arm and a leg. 两条习语的是一样的哦。

  E.g.: These opera tickets cost us an arm and a leg!

  不要傻傻的再用expensive这么普通的词了~ Lexical Resource UP UP UP!!!


  16. Crocodile tears


  [实际意思] 假悲哀;不是真心悲哀而流眼泪;猫哭耗子假慈悲。

  E.g.: She dropped a few crocodile tears over her husband’s death then got his insurance money and married again two weeks later.


  17. Rain cats and dogs


  [实际意思] 倾盆大雨。说明:英语受北欧文化的影响。在古代北欧神话中,狗象征风,猫象征雨。“猫和狗”象征“狂风暴雨”。

  E.g.: It rained cats and dogs yesterday, so we had to cancel the football match.


  18. Give someone the bird



  E.g.: When the actress forgot her lines, the audience gave her the bird.


  19. Kill two birds with one stone


  [实际意思] 一箭双雕;一举两得。

  E.g.: He killed two birds with one stone by having dinner at his tutor’s place.

  相信这个习语童鞋们都已经知道啦~ 但是能运用的时候记得要用哦~

  20. Put on the dog


  [实际意思] 炫耀、摆阔。竭力表现自我,好像自己非常重要、非常富有。但实际并非如此。

  E.g.: They put on the dog in front of their guests, but the guests were not impressed.



  1. Put the clock back


  [实际意思] 指行为或观念跟不上时代;按陈旧的规矩办事;老脑筋。

  E.g.: You must give university students more freedom. Don’t try to prevent them from falling in love before graduation. You can’t put the clock back!


  2. Work against the clock


  [实际意思] 指的是抓紧时间工作,强调不停顿哦~

  E.g.: I have to work against the clock to finish my thesis before the holiday finishes. Otherwise my supervisor will not be happy with me.

  我们辛勤的烤鸭们还可以这样说哦:I have to work against the clock to pass the IELTS exam. 哈哈,是不是很准确的表达了烤鸭考前的心情!

  3. Go like clockwork


  [实际意思] 指计划、安排、工程或项目等进展顺利,强调有条不紊,没有麻烦。它还有另一种说法:Run like clockwork.

  E.g.: The president is very happy that all our arrangements for the project are going like clockwork. And I am sure we can finish the project in time.

  如果part2的`话题考到了future plan, something you saved money for这种和计划相关的话题,烤鸭们是可以把go like clockwork运用上去的,表达我们的计划按部就班,进展的非常顺利~

  4. After hours


  [实际意思] 在规定的下班时间以后,非营业时间。

  E.g.: Public houses must not stay open after hours, for if they do, they will have to face sanctions imposed by the government.

  这个词其实在我们*常的生活中非常常见,比如After hours GP指的是非营业时间的GP医生。

  5. This minute


  [实际意思] 马上,立刻,立即。

  E.g.: What a mess you have made! Your room is like a pigsty! I want you to clean your room this minute!

  这应该是每一个妈妈都会说的话~ 意思是你立刻把你的房间给我收拾干净~~~ This minute和right now是一个意思哦。

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