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时间:2022-12-30 12:00:04 来源:网友投稿

havetroublewith的翻译是什么1  英[hævˈtrʌblwið] 美[hævˈtrʌbəlwɪð]  havetroublewith基本解释  有病痛,因…苦恼;同…闹纠纷  情景对话下面是小编为大家整理的2023年have,trouble,with翻译是什么3篇(完整),供大家参考。


have trouble with的翻译是什么1

  英 [hæv ˈtrʌbl wið] 美 [hæv ˈtrʌbəl wɪð]

  have trouble with 基本解释

  有病痛,因…苦恼; 同…闹纠纷



  A:You know, Ralph, since I started speaking English all the time my pronunciation"s getting better and even the grammar"s beginning to make some sense. But I don"t think I"ll ever be able to spell.


  B:You"re not alone there.I have trouble with spelling too. When I was in grade school. I learned which words were the most frequently misspelled. But I never did learn how to spell them.

  不是你一个人如此。我在拼音方面也有困难。当我上小学的时候,我知道哪些词是经常拼错的, 但我没有学会如何拼这些词。

  A:Since it"s so difficult, why is it so important to learn how to spell properly?


  B:Because if you spell satisfactorily, you"re considered educated.If you don"t, you"re not.

  因为如果你能准确无误地拼音,人家就会把你看作受到教育的人。 否则,在别人眼里你是个缺乏教育的人。

have trouble with的翻译是什么2

  1. South Korean students who have trouble with school bullies can soon call on the government to provide them with bodyguards.

  2. Rumours the couple"s marriage was in trouble have been circulating for months, with Avril often seen partying with friends without her husband.

  3. Arafat initially was said to have been suffering a severe case of influenza, but later was diagnosed with having blood abnormalities and trouble with his digestion.

  4. Blogs becoming places of trouble has something to do with what blog hosting websites have done in order to draw eyeballs.

  5. But I have trouble dealing with the fame side of things, so now I see my therapist every week.

  6. More than 42 percent of those polled said they have trouble with unemployment and 42 percent of the respondents said they want community medical care.

  7. Freshmen have trouble adapting to the new study environment and with interpersonal relations.

  8. " We have trouble with people posting abusive things over and over and over, " he said.

  9. They seldom speak and have trouble with comprehension, reports the association.

have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇扩展阅读

have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展1)

——pause and ponder的翻译是什么3篇

pause and ponder的翻译是什么1

  英 [pɔ:z ænd ˈpɔndə] 美 [pɔz ənd ˈpɑndɚ]

  pause and ponder 基本解释

  动词 踌躇

pause and ponder的翻译是什么2

  1. You should pause and ponder now.


  2. Pause and ponder. Think before you act. Be patient.


  3. Before treating this problem mathematically we may pause and ponder its physical origin.


  4. Ten years ago, books I read mostly advised me to pause and ponder for at least one year before deciding to quit if I felt unhappy on my job.


have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展2)

——not think much of的翻译是什么3篇

not think much of的翻译是什么1

  英 [nɔt θiŋk mʌtʃ ɔv] 美 [nɑt θɪŋk mʌtʃ ʌv]

  not think much of 基本解释


not think much of的翻译是什么2

  1. Nearly half of the Japanese respondents think of the Chinese as diligent - a statistic that has not changed much from last year"s survey.

  2. It did not think much of the rest of the world and remained closed politically and economically when the western world changed enormously.

  3. I just think that it alone is not going to make much of a difference in deterring risky behavior.

  4. Many of them did not think much of the apology, saying a number of local hospitals were continuing to refuse free treatment to their children.

  5. I think we"re still not making as much use of half the population as we can.

  6. I think this kind of program can not have much practical effect.

  7. Scholars usually think that in the Holocene Quaternary period, the basic physical features of human skull did not have much change.

have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展3)

——without question的翻译是什么3篇

without question的翻译是什么1

  英 [wiˈðaut ˈkwestʃən] 美 [wɪðˈaʊt ˈkwɛstʃən]

  without question 基本解释


without question的翻译是什么2

  1. Without question the development of financial derivatives can help improve the efficiency of capital utilization and reduce the cost of financing.

  2. The third strategic question facing China and India is how to shape new global rules without challenging the multilateral system which has enabled their rise.

  3. How come it could allow that entire site to remain vacant for 12 years, without addressing concerns to the operators in question?

  4. Apart from housing, consumer prices are without question what local residents are concerned about most nowadays.

  5. Some question whether it is proper to give the full score, without a serious critique.

  6. Its new terrorism laws allow police to detain and question a suspect without charge for extended periods.

  7. The selecting of a new textbook distributor without public bidding has put the motives of the local education department in question.

  8. Both men used the China question to occasionally address domestic affairs, without mentioning human rights.

  9. Bush said the law would allow intelligence professionals to question suspects without fear of being sued by them later.

have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展4)

——drop out具体的中文翻译是什么3篇

drop out具体的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [drɔp aut] 美 [drɑp aʊt]

  drop out 基本解释

  离开,退出; 掉出; 脱扣; 违世

  drop out 相关例句


  1. She dropped out of school to become a waitress.


  2. Luckily, I dropped out before the deal turned sour.


  3. One of my teeth has dropped out.


drop out具体的中文翻译是什么2

  1. 退学;退出(比赛等)

  If someone drops out of college or a race, for example, they leave it without finishing what they started.

  e.g. He"d dropped out of high school at the age of 16...

  他 16 岁的时候就从中学退学了。

  e.g. She dropped out after 20 kilometres with stomach trouble.

  20 公里后她因胃痛而退出了比赛。

  2. 拒绝接受传统规范;离经叛道;摈弃社会习俗

  If someone drops out, they reject the accepted ways of society and live outside the usual system.

  e.g. She encourages people to keep their jobs rather than dropping out to live in a commune.


have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展5)

——be out for的汉语翻译形式是什么3篇

be out for的汉语翻译形式是什么1

  英 [bi: aut fɔ:] 美 [bi aʊt fɔr]

  be out for 基本解释

  企求, 力图获得

be out for的汉语翻译形式是什么2

  1. The United Nations has begun busing refugees out of the reception camp to other sites so they can be better cared for.

  2. Some educators and students point out that buying a condom in such a public setting could be unsettling for most young people.

  3. However, " convenient cab " could sometimes turn out to be dangerous for passengers"safety.

  4. So Tuesday"s accident should be a warning for the safety management department to swing into action and rule out potential dangers.

  5. The government will call tenders for the works and will save money if the tender prices turn out to be lower.

  6. It can be that for one game out of 30 I don"t call him up.

  7. It is normal for a capitalist society to develop through different phases, but such immoral acts will be flushed out eventually.

  8. Pique will be sidelined for between two and three weeks, while club captain Carles Puyol is out for around a month after straining knee ligaments.

  9. The supervisors should also be invited to inspect sites for detention and carry out law enforcement checkup.

  10. Supporting measures must be formulated quickly so that we can carry out the plan for reforming the export tax rebate system in earnest.

have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展6)

——out of question的中文翻译是什么3篇

out of question的中文翻译是什么1

  英 [aut ɔv ˈkwestʃən] 美 [aʊt ʌv ˈkwɛstʃən]

  out of question 基本解释


out of question的中文翻译是什么2

  1. The continuing fear that another calamitous terrorist attack is not out of the question.

  2. " Now it"s the question of getting out of the coma, " he said.

  3. Which then raises the question of whether their own technicians are qualified for their jobs and whether they conscientiously carried out their duties.

  4. Discussions in boardrooms worldwide focus on the question of how to map out a better corporate strategy for China.

  5. The principled pledge of equality for all is out of the question if procuratorates across the country operate under different rules and criteria.

  6. The crux of the question lies in the fact that relationships concerning oil price have yet to be sorted out.

  7. The question of death and taxes has risen to the fore as US phases out the estate tax entirely in 2010.

  8. The question arises out of the dichotomy of " expression " and " idea " in the copyright domain.

  9. This meant it was out of the question to dig sediment out of the rivers to lay down pipelines.

  10. Gbagbo says that is out of the question and insists the rebels disarm.

have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展7)

——out of准确的翻译形式是什么3篇

out of准确的翻译形式是什么1

  英 [aut ɔv] 美 [aʊt ʌv]

  out of 基本解释

  介词由于; 用…(材料); 自…离开; 得自(来源)



  B:We’re out of (flour/ milk/ bread).


  A:All right, I’ll pick some up.


out of准确的翻译形式是什么2

  1. English is the language of international business and learning it here from a native speaker is in demand and beneficial to Chinese enterprises " going out ".

  2. The idea of carving out his own business began to take form.

  3. He modeled the UK Pavilion"s acrylic rods out of toothbrush bristles and used matchsticks to make the beams of the China Pavilion.

  4. A call to Glencore"s Baar office out of regular business hours wasn"t answered.

  5. In business operations, we seek harmony in and out of our company to promote healthy and continual development.

  6. It disposed of the assets of failed savings and loans and then went out of business.

  7. He dropped out of a US business school which his traditional parents hoped would prepare him for taking over the family business.

  8. But counterfeiters can put scores of domestic suppliers out of business by flooding the market with pirated copies of software these companies developed.

  9. Business schools in this hierarchical structure must give out a portion of revenue to its superior university.

have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展8)




  make a kite;making a kite;making kites;make kites



  He can make kites.


  My twin sister Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites.


  Is he making a model plane? No, he isn "t.He is making a kite.


  Her hobby is making kites.


  Does anyone know how to make one?

have trouble with的翻译是什么3篇(扩展9)




  come back

  return 同义词

  动词reimbursegive backrepaycome backrendergo backrevertrevisit


  Come back; resume;return


  He wanted to go over and drag them back!


  Tim is going to come back this weekend.


  He had an attack of diarrhea after went to the restaurant.


  He have an attack of diarrhoea after go to the restaurant.


  He backed away from the edge, looking all around at the flat horizon.


  At length he bowed his head, sighed with agony, dropped his arms, and retraced his steps


  He had had a piece rejected at the vaudeville


