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时间:2022-07-18 17:15:03 来源:网友投稿




  浸水了! Flooding! 浸水了! Flooding! 0 米! 140 meters! 封住所有漏洞! Seal everything off! 快! 快! Quick! Quick! 我们得把它给封住! We need to seal it up! 没用啊 It"s not working! 逃生衣放在哪? Where are the escape sets? 快点 快点 Come on, come on. 是另一型的潜艇吗, 长官? Another pattern, sir? 我们逮着它了, 我知道 We got him. I know it. 大副确认下麦考伊已备妥四寸炮,

 Make sure McCoy and the four-inchers are standing by. 潜艇在下沉! Boat sinking! 0 米! 190 meters. 去向轮机长报告战损! Report damage to chief engineer! 0 米! 220 meters! 0 米! 230 meters. 请下令, 中尉! Give the order, Lieutenant. 水箱充气! 水箱充气! - Blow tanks! - Blow tanks! 最低速度, 最低速度! Dead slow, dead slow!

 仍掌握着行踪吗? Still holding it? 从开始猎杀后就没弄丢过 Hasn"t let go since the hunt began. 敌舰上浮! Enemy submarine surfacing! 方位 355! Red 355! 距离 3000 码 Range 3,000 yards! 顶风停船! Heave to full stop! 我们逮着它了! We"ve got them. 让他们多吃几颗炮弹 Let them have it! 方位 355 接战! 开火射击! Red 355, engage. Open fire! 长官 Sir? 我看见举白旗, 长官! It"s a white flag, sir. 长官, 我们不该继续射击 Sir, that"s not how we do it. 我们至少得掳获 We should at least salvage 密♥码♥本,密♥码♥机 codes, decryption devices. 好吧! 好吧! Check, check! 停止填弹! 停止填弹! Stop loading! Stop loading! 你和我一起去接收战俘! You"re coming with me to receive the surrender! 这和常规相悖! It"s against standing orders. 哦,你需要去野兽的肚子里瞧瞧 Oh, you need to see inside the belly of the beast. 沃尔许中尉暂时接管本舰 Lieutenant Walsh can hold the fort. 请发发慈悲吧!


 Have mercy, please! 发发慈悲吧 Have mercy. 打的好, 舰长 Well played, Captain. 密♥码♥机呢? Decrypting machine? 在我大副那儿 With my first man. 一起落海了 Overboard. 你赢了, 但并非所有的 You win, but not everything. 长官 Sir! 我现在宣布投降, 我的船员交给你 I now surrender myself and my men,to your care. 我就是要这样干, 大副 That"s how I do it, Number One. 好了 Right. 我们把这玩意儿给炸了 送它下地狱吧 Let"s go blow this thing to kingdom come. 那其他生还者呢? What about the survivors? Do you want total war? Yes! Do you want it, if necessary, more total and radical n anything that we can even conceive of today? Yes! 从海底出击 第三季第一集 给你

 - 谢谢 - Here. - Thank you. 下锚酒吧 THE ANCHOR 哈罗 Hello. 你是哪位? Who are you?

 这是你的船吗? Is this your boat? 是啊 Yes. 这船好老旧喔 It sure is old. 它还可以出海吗? Can you still go out in it? 我正在努力修复中 Well, I"m working on that. 芬妮 Fanny! 芬妮 奴丝玛雅 Fanny Nussmeier! 你听到你妈妈在唤你了 You heard, your mother is calling you. 你修好之后我可以上船吗? Can I go on it when you"re done? 我觉得没问题 Fine by me. 别因战争或其他什么事 But don"t say we can"t. 说我们没办法就好 Because of the war or whatever. 你得答应我 You have to promise! 好了, 去你妈身边吧 Come on now, go to her. 原来你是这样的人 That"s just how you are. 杜塞尔多夫新闻! "Düsseldorf News"! 大家快来买♥♥报纸 Get your paper! 戈培尔部长发表了演说 Reich Minister Goebbels" speech! 刚刚印出来的报纸, 大家快来买♥♥吧 Hot off the press! Get your paper! 戈培尔部长发表了演说 Reich Minister Goebbels" speech! 杜塞尔多夫新闻

 "Düsseldorf News"! 最新消息 New edition! 我来迟了 抱歉 I"m late. Sorry. 你是怎么了?

 What"s wrong? 你今天还想不想有饭吃? Do you want to eat today or not? 想啊 - 穿褐色西装 - Yes. - The brown suit. 站在卖♥♥报男孩的旁边 Next to the paper boy. 你确定? Are you sure? 去啊 Go on. 杜塞尔多夫新闻

 最新消息 "Düsseldorf News"! New edition! 戈培尔部长发表了演说 Minister Goebbels" speech! 快去 Go! 戈培尔部长发表了演说 Reich Minister Goebbels" speech! 刚刚印出来的报纸 Hot off the press! 能跟您讨一马克吗? Do you have a mark? 抱歉没有

  - 拜托您 先生 Sadly not. - Please, sir! 别挡我路

  - 行行好, 我肚子很饿 - Out of my way. - Please, I"m hungry. 可怜的孩子 The poor boy. 够了 站起来 站起来 Come on, get up. Get up! 是你推他的 我有看到 警♥察♥! You shoved him, I saw it! Police! 警♥察♥!

  - 我没有 是他自己跌倒的 - Police! - I didn"t. He fell.

 站起来, 男孩 Up you get, boy. 来吧 Come on. 嘿! 嘿! 站住! Hey. Hey, stop! 嘿!

 - 警♥察♥! - Hey! - Police! 给我站住! Stop there! 该死的警♥察♥! Damn coppers! 你明白吧? Well? 看我们找到了啥? What do we have here? 父亲呢? Father? 母亲呢? Mother? 自从空袭后就流落街头? Living on the street since the air raid? 对 Yes. 所以整个冬季的这四个月都住街上? So four months on the street, the entire winter? 那你咧? And you? 我本来就没家可以炸 I had no home to lose. 这样比较幸运 不是吗? I sure was lucky, wasn"t I? 偷窃 拒捕 没有身份证 Pickpocketing, resisting arrest, no ID. 你们原本应该是被判劳动服务的 You"d have got labor service for that earlier, 现在变成是劳动集中营 now it"s work camp. 所以? 我可以从任何地方逃走 So what? I can escape from anywhere. 没人逃得出莫林根集中营

 (主要关政♥治♥犯, 有另设少年犯罪营) No one gets out of Moringen. 你 18 岁就会被阉♥割♥ You"ll be castrated at 18 所以不会有后代继承你的犯罪基因 so no one inherits your criminal genes. 还有... And then... 你们会被关在成年人的集中营 you"ll be put in a real camp, for adults. 但我接到指示对一些轻罪的犯人 But I have orders to ignore petty crimes, 如果犯罪者自愿参军的话 if offenders volunteer to join the military. 所以是蛋蛋落地和去俄♥国♥二选一? Either balls off or get sent to Russia? 听说那儿像地狱

  - 谁说的? - I heard it"s hell. - Who said? 你外头打听一下便知 You hear stuff out there. 那你不应该跟着讹传 You shouldn"t repeat that. 那么还有另一个服务单位 There are other service branches. 海军 The Navy. 潜艇 U-boats. 他们缺人手

  - 潜艇? They need men. - U-boats? 能填饱肚子?

  - 而且有床有薪水 - Do you get fed? - And a bed and pay. 你没啥好抱怨的, 哈利 Before you croak, Harri. 有个问题 There"s one problem. 你必须满 17 岁 You have to be 17. 你干嘛告诉我们这些? Then why are you telling us this? 没有身份证件

 Without papers you"ll need 你需要有人作保证明你已经 17 岁 someone to vouch for you being 17. 比如由我来作保 Me, for example. 你到底想换什么好处?

 What do you want in exchange? 你总会想要一些东西 You always want something. 我想给你们一个机会 I want to give you a chance. 一个让你们有所成就的机会 A chance to make something of yourselves. 所以 So... 你现在多少岁? How old are you? 17. 这是你的申请表 Your declaration form. 在这签名 Sign here. 波里 Pauli. 你们这些渣! 根本是祖国的耻辱! You"re scum! A disgrace to the Fatherland! 你们不配去当德意志国防军! You have no business in the Wehrmacht! 但我们伟大的元首给了你们一个机会 But our generous Führer is giving you another chance. 你们之中只有最优秀的才能成为潜艇兵! Only the best become U-boat soldiers! 只有最强壮, 最聪明... Only the strongest, the smartest. 和服从纪律的人 其他人则发配去俄♥国♥ The obedient. Everyone else goes to Russia. 喔 该死 Oh, shit! 你刚说啥? 你这狗屎? What did you say, you piece of shit? - 还要跑多久 长官?

  - 跑到你不行为止

 - How much further, sir? - Until you can"t. 给我再跑 5 公里! And another five kilometers! 这跟劳动营一样糟 It"s as bad as a work camp. 铁刺网 卫兵 一堆混♥蛋♥ Barbed wire, guards, arseholes. 还要跑到你累瘫为止 And running till you drop. 这里比较好 This is better. 我们依旧有机会 也保住了蛋蛋 We still have a chance, and our balls. 你不能相信他们! You can"t trust them! 那个猥亵的警♥察♥或是这些家伙! Child molesting bobby or this guy! 他们都在撒谎, 因为他们需要人手 They all lie, and they need men. 所以 So? 难道你从没真的想要改变或变得更好? Haven"t you ever really wanted something different or better? 要为了什么? 反正我不可能会变得更好! What for? I won"t get it anyway! 你也是, 你一身气喘 You either, with your asthma. 你应该是第一个会被发配去俄♥国♥ You"ll be sent off to Russia first. 不会的 No. 我会成为潜艇兵 I"ll be a U-boat man. 那吊车尾又怎样呢? What about leaving no one behind? 如果你能够当最优秀的, 那我也能 If you"re going to be one, so am I. 明白了吗? Got that? 听你胡说八道 Bollocks to it all.

 我要把你们大卸八块! I"ll rip you a new one! 打到见骨 屁滚尿流! You"ll shit out of your spine! 快 快 快! Move, move, move! 罗伯特 埃伦伯格 Robert Ehrenberg. 鲁迪 Rudi. 总算有张熟面孔 Finally a familiar face. 不像这些没用的家伙们 Unlike all these wimps. 欢迎回来 来吧 Welcome home. Come on. 我来为你介绍一些人 I have to introduce you to someone. 看, 那边是我们的位子 Look, those are our seats. 各位, 容我引荐 Gentlemen, may I introduce you? 布纳中尉 我的新指挥官 Sub-Lieutenant Buchner, my new Commanding Officer. 这位是埃伦伯格中尉 Sub-Lieutenant Ehrenberg. 他会监督我们的新船下水 He"ll oversee the launch of our new boat. 很高兴能与您共事 中尉 It"s an honor to work with you, Lieutenant. 我想我还有很多地方得向您请教 I"m certain I"ll learn a lot from you. 这位是艾德曼中尉 This is Sub-Lieutenant Erdmann, 是我 U-949 的第一值更官 my First Watch Officer on U-949. 我确信我们能成为融洽的家庭 I"m sure we"ll be a big happy family. 我也这么认为 I think so too. 准备好了吗 爸爸?

 Are you ready, Dad? 我们准时到场对埃布雷特来说很重要 It"s very important to Albrecht that we"re on time. 需要我帮你吗? Shall I help you? 我搞得定 I"ll manage. 好了 There. 埃布雷特会感激你的出席 Albrecht really appreciates you coming. 但你得答应如果这件事你觉得太过分... But you have to promise if it"s too much... 这件事不会让我觉得太过分 It won"t be too much for me. 且我必须学着再次用亲眼去看 I have to learn to see to myself again. 要不然你得照顾我到老死为止 Or you"ll have to take care of me till the end. 喔 Oh. 好了 Now. 走吧 Come on. 你又是老舰长了 威廉 You"re the old captain again, Wilhelm. 你看起来真美, 达令 You look wonderful, darling. 他还好吗? How is he? 他到方才都没提到克劳斯 He hasn"t mentioned Klaus in hours. 那就好

  - 是啊 - That"s good. - Yes. 威廉 Wilhelm. 在政♥治♥上 今晚对我非常重要 Politically this is a very important evening for me. 谢谢你 Thank you.

 埃布雷特 Albrecht. 别忘了我们的约定 Don"t forget our agreement. 我不会忘的 I won"t. 他之所以能成为指挥官是因为他的家人遵守党的路线 He only made CO because his family toes the party line. 你不会这样做, 罗伯特 You don"t, Robert. 不过,你在陆地上有一个很好的小职位 Still, you"ve got that nice little post on land. 你最后一趟任务究竟是怎回事? What happened on your last mission?...

推荐访问:Das Boot《从海底出击(2020)》第三季第一集完整中英文对照剧本 第一集 出击 海底