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时间:2022-07-18 17:10:03 来源:网友投稿




  幸运的是,你不知道在海上战斗和死亡意味着什么 Lucky you don"t know what it means to fight and die at sea. 你很幸运,你从未生过孩子, You"re lucky you"ve never given birth, 有陌生人敲门 to have a stranger knock 告诉你你再也见不到你的孩子了 and tell you you"ll never see your child again. 没有父亲,没有丈夫,希望你不要觉得太孤单 No father, no husband, I hope you won"t feel too lonely. 我会活下去 I"ll survive. 里斯本的一个熟人给了我这个 An acquaintance in Lisbon gave me this. 他们让我亲自给你 They asked me to give it to you in person. 他不能留在这里 He can"t stay here. 如果他的病情发生明显变化, If his condition changes appreciably, 我可以把他交给你照顾 I could release him into your care. 我可以表达我最深切的同情吗 May I convey my deepest sympathy 对船码头的炸♥弹♥袭击 for the bomb attack on the boat terminal. 你确认死亡人数了吗? Have you confirmed the number of dead? 七,但没有德国公民 Seven, but no German citizens. 我们永远也赶不上这门课的约会地点 We"ll never make it to our rendezvous on this course. 我们会留在表面上 We"ll stay on the surface. 一艘 U 艇,被发现穿越加那利海峡 A U-boat, spotted travelling through the Canary straits. 无需空气罩 No need for air cover. 我想要这个杀了我自己 I want this kill for myself.

 离开? Leaving? 我必须 I have to. 我们必须小心,如果... We have to be careful if... 如果是什么? If what? 这只是开始 This was only the beginning. 我不想让阿尔布雷希特难堪 I don"t want to embarrass Albrecht. 你明白,不是吗? You understand that, don"t you? 我也没有当然不是 Nor do I. Of course not. 我重视与他的良好工作关系 I value my good working relationship with him. 他非常支持我 He was very supportive of me 让高级指挥部采用我的新计划 in getting High Command to adopt a new scheme of mine. 什么方案? What scheme? 让每艘 U 艇与一名党员一起启航, For every U-boat to set sail with a party member aboard, 一个值得信赖的人来关注船员 a trustworthy person to keep an eye on the crew. 以及他们的立场

 - 嗯 - And their stances. - Huh. 可以肯定的是,他们都是完全忠诚的 To be certain that they are all completely loyal. 我听说它在柏林很受欢迎 I heard it went down well in Berlin. 还有阿尔布雷希特的旅行…… And Albrecht"s trip... 是你做的吗? was it your doing? 他现在会更频繁地去柏林 He"ll be going to Berlin more often now. 来吧!


 Come on! 早餐在我身上 一起去吃 Breakfast is on me. Let"s go eat. 我们走吧 Let"s go. 一起去吃 Let"s go eat. 威廉·霍夫曼船长讲座和签名会 LECTURE AND BOOK SIGNING CAPTAIN WILHELM HOFFMANN 尊重 无可挑剔的声誉 Respected. Impeccable reputation. 不仅如此 There"s more to it than that. 我必须找出他为什么真的在这里 I have to find out why he"s really here. 盖世太保人呢? 你照顾过他吗? What about the Gestapo man? Have you taken care of him? 福斯特? Forster? 没有什么 Nothing. 如果他不是完全疯了,他就会离开里斯本 If he"s not utterly mad he"s left Lisbon. 如果不? 他仍然可以为我们制♥造♥问题 And if not? He can still create problems for us. 我不会冒这个风险

 U 艇一定早点到了 I won"t take that risk. The U-boat must be here earlier. 在正式交接前拦截货物 To intercept the cargo before the official handover. 贝蒂娜,施罗德说…… Bettina, Schröder says... 我不在乎他说什么, I don"t care what he says, 我不会等待超过必要的时间 I won"t wait longer than necessary. 不是当我们离得这么近的时候 你必须... Not when we"re this close. You have to... 你必须以我丈夫的名义联♥系♥ U-boat 指挥部 You have to contact U-boat Command HQ in my husband"s name. 但要确保他没有发现 But make sure he doesn"t find out.

 如果有人问为什么? And what if someone asks why? 告诉他们葡萄牙人正在大惊小怪,可能会退出 Tell them the Portuguese are making a fuss and may pull out. 我会查明我们的客人是否有什么要告诉我的 And I"ll find out if our guest has anything to tell me. 队长 Captain. 格鲁伯夫人 Mrs Gruber. 你明天的讲座已经售罄 Your lecture tomorrow is sold out. 多好 How nice. 我们希望今天您的书签名会吸引大量仰慕者 And we expect loads of admirers at your book signing today. 好的 我很高兴 Good. I"m glad. 也许我可以成为第一个得到签名副本的人 Perhaps I could be the first to get a signed copy. 最肯定的 Most certainly. 你过得愉快吗? Are you having a pleasant stay? 是的,这一切都很棒 谢谢你 Yes, it"s all superb. Thank you. 我很高兴 I"m glad. 也许你想看看里斯本 Maybe you want to see Lisbon. 我可以带你参观这座城市 I could show you around the city 我们可以互相了解 and we could get to know each other. 那也会让我丈夫高兴的 你看,我们是... That would please my husband as well. You see, we are... 你可以说我们是一个单位 You could say we"re a unit. 你可以告诉我任何你想告诉他的事情 You can tell me anything you would tell him. - 那正确吗?

 - 是的

 - Is that right? - Yes. 我不是游客 I"m not a tourist. 我必须先完成我的签书 I have to get through my book signing first. 给谁? And to whom? 我的朋友叫我贝蒂娜 My friends call me Bettina. 你确实讲述了奇妙的冒险 You do tell of marvelous adventures. 你觉得那不勒斯的章节怎么样? How did you like the chapter about Naples? 哦,那是我最喜欢的 Oh, that"s my absolute favorite. 没有关于那不勒斯的章节 There is no chapter about Naples. 你绝对确定吗? Are you absolutely certain? 达科斯塔是这么说的 It"s what Da Costa said. 被杀的人是美国人加德纳 The man who was killed was the American, Gardiner. 用于支付 wolfram 的黄金交付呢? What about the gold delivery to pay for the wolfram? 我们还不知道确切的时间 We don"t know the exact time yet. 很好 Very well. 周日晚上的计划已经到位 Sunday evening"s plan is in place. 船长的演讲? The Captain"s lecture? 它会一帆风顺的 It"ll go without a hitch. 为他预订最早返回帝国的航♥班♥ Book him the earliest possible flight back to the Reich. 当然 Of course. 的房♥子被烧毁了,倒塌,倒塌…… Müllers" house burnt Down, down, down...


 - 你好 - I"m back. - Hello. 屠夫给了我一些猪肉来固定他的眼镜 The butcher gave me some pork for fixing his spectacles. 我们今晚可以吃它,明天做汤 We can eat it tonight and make broth for tomorrow. 肉汤对爸爸有好处 看看他能做什么 Broth would be good for Daddy. Look what he can do. 他可以自己举起双臂 He can lift up both arms on his own. 爸爸的皮肤真的很粗糙 好痒 Daddy"s skin is really rough. It tickles. 那叫什么? And what"s that one called? 兰萨罗特岛 Lanzarote. 战后我会在那里盖房♥子 I"ll build a house there after the war. 哦耶? Oh yeah? 你会在那里做什么? And what"ll you do there? 画 Paint. 先生,你画什么? What do you paint, sir? 船 Boats. 有时还有船 And sometimes ships. 怎么了,局长? What"s wrong, Chief? 好安静 It"s quiet. 六个小时前,侦察机飞过这里 Six hours ago recce planes were flying over here. 他们怎么还没回来? Why haven"t they returned? 一旦我们经过 Isla de Alegranza,我们就会离开海峡, Once we pass Isla de Alegranza we"ll be out of the channel, 在开阔水域

 in open water. 不用担心 Don"t worry. 把她带到小岛的背风处 保持发动机转动 Bring her into the lee of the isle. Keep the engines turning. 但请记住东北贸易 But remember the north-east trade. 他们不会听到吗? Won"t they hear? 他们在表面上奔跑 They"re running on the surface. 他们只会听到他们的引擎 They"ll hear only their engines. 对,我会和沃尔什先生一起看着他们 Right, I"ll be with Mr Walsh watching for them. 你走桥,默瑟 You take the bridge, Mercer. 指导我们采取行动

 - 是的先生 - Direct us into action. - Yes, sir. 谢谢你,先生 Thank you, sir. 你知道我拒绝你转会的另一个原因吗? You know the other reason I turned down your transfer? 不,先生 No, sir. 你的目标太低了 你不想成为一些傻瓜的 XO You aim too low. You don"t want to be some fool"s XO. 我将建议 Franbe 给你自己的命令 I"m going to recommend Francombe give you your own command. 你的儿子值得当队长

 - 是的先生 - Your son deserves a captain. - Yes, sir. 谢谢你,先生 Thank you, sir. 驾驶室,新课程 Wheelhouse, new course. 那个她,沃尔什先生?

 - 告诉你什么 - That her, Mr Walsh? - Tell you what. 她正在为一艘 U 型船大快朵颐 She"s going a fair lick for a U-boat. 那就是塔尔法亚电流 That"s the Tarfaya current.

 他一定是急于冒着暴露在外的风险 He must be in a hurry to risk travelling so exposed. 以轴承 1-1-5 为目标, Target in bearing 1-1-5, Roque del Este 小岛以南 south of the small island of Roque del Este. 以几乎令人难以置信的 22 节航速向北航行 Tracking north at a barely believable 22 knots. 让我们就位,默瑟先生 Take us into position, Mr Mercer. 是的,长官,斯威本指挥官 Yes, sir, Commander Swinburne. 驾驶室桥,新路线:1-0-5,端口 7-5 Bridge to wheelhouse, new course: 1-0-5, port 7-5. 1000 码,全速前进!

 1,000 yards, full speed ahead! 甲板枪,战斗站,麦考伊先生!

 Deck guns, battle stations, Mr McCoy! 那是加那利群岛的最后一个 That was the last of the Canary Islands. 下一站:

 Next stop: 葡萄牙!

 Portugal! 警报!

 Alarm! 清除桥梁!

 - 清除桥梁!

 - Clear the bridge! - Clear the bridge! 下降!

 Going down! 同一个!

 The same one! 他一直跟着我们?

 - 下!

 - He"s followed us all this way? - Down! 快点!

 Faster! 塔舱门关闭!

 Tower hatch closed! 通风口被♥操♥纵

 - 快到 170 - Vents are rigged. - To 170, quickly. 船尾 20 度潜水 十在弓

 20 degree dive on stern. Ten on bow. 关闭通风口!

 Close vents! 小心!

 Watch out! 移到一边!

 - 不碍事!

 - Move aside! - Out of the way! 移♥动♥!


 Move! Secure cargo! 回到板条箱!

 Back into the crates! 大家帮忙!

 Everyone help! 移♥动♥!


 - 我们像石头一样下沉 - Move! Move! - We"re sinking like a rock. 五吨♥货物 这实在是太多了 Five tons of cargo. It"s simply too much. 我们现在干什么? What do we do now? 这里的水深是多少? What"s the water depth here? 在这个离岸边的距离,300 米 At this distance from shore, 300 meters. 让我们停止下降 Let"s stop our descent 在我们搁浅并被压死之前 before we run aground and get crushed. 两架飞机全面上升

 - 这边!

 - Both planes full rise. - Over here! 我们下沉得太快了 We"re sinking too quickly. 再往后退!

 Further back! 明白了

 - 前面呢? - Understood. - And up front? 安静的 Quiet. 速度是十节 Speed is ten knots. 阿迪克?

 - 目标方位 1-0-5 - Asdic? - Target bearing 1-0-5.

 距离 2,000 Distance 2,000. 他们很快就会在我们手下,默瑟 They"ll soon be under us, Mercer. 深度电荷设置为最大深度 Depth charges set to maximum depth. 设置冲锋,麦考伊先生,450 英尺 Set charges, Mr McCoy, 450 feet. 支持 Stand by. 滴图案 Drop pattern. 深度收费 Depth charges. 洪水!

 - 泄漏小队到控制室!

 - Flooding! - Leak squad to the control room! 关闭通风口!

 Close vents! 关闭通风口!

 Close vents! 0 米 为什么我们还在下沉? 210 meters. Why are we still sinking? 发动机全速倒车!

 - 发动机全速倒车 - Engines full speed astern! - Engines full speed astern. 0 米 220 m...

推荐访问:Das Boot《从海底出击(2020)》第三季第九集完整中英文对照剧本 出击 海底 剧本