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时间:2022-07-18 11:30:03 来源:网友投稿





 XX 大学研究生英语读写译 summry nd comment 4 个单元 ------the plesures of ignornce The uthor begn this essy by telling the experience of wking in the morning nd finding fct tht he knew prcticlly nothing bout ny thing. The quntity of the things he knew ws limited except his own experience. However he felt no depress bout his ignornce,believing tht ignornce would be the gretest help to one. Becuse sometimes memory is not relible, ignornce does work t this time,for the ignornt mn seldom mke inccurte judgment without mking n investigtion first. So the ignornce would led us to lern more. s we know, the uthor’s ttitude is solely nd optimistic. But should we feel shmed or pessimistic while relizing tht we re ignorn t? Undoubtedl y,one’s knowledge cn be out t elbows sometimes, but we cn look up in textbook or

 the encyclopedi etc. The informtion cn be quickly ccessed in vrious mens. Wht’s more, there is no need to remember too much detil things,such s the mthemticl formul, nme s. If we lwys py ttention on those things,they will never be our prides but burden! So the nswer of the


  question mentioned bove is obvious. ------Exercise is stte of mind “








 this essy

 by t elling description of hppy stte. nd throwing out his own p erspective —body nd mind helthy re linked together by exercise. Then the uthor exemplifies scientists’ experiments s evidence to prove e xercise hs gret effects on our helthy. Regulr exercise improves our m ood,decreses nxiety,improves sleep,improves resilience in the fce of st ress nd rise self-esteem. In ddition, exercise my hve something to do with gene in

 certin degree. This my become gentle nudge to enc ourge us to exercise. Lst,the uthor believes tht the type of exercise do esn’t mtter too much,more importnt is the bility to sustin n ex ercise routine. I ccept his view of ttitude towrds exercise. Wht we concerned is not the form,but to do or not to do. Nowdys,most of us spend too much time in doors,no willing nd motivtions drive us to do more exercise. s the sying goes: ll rods to Rome. ny type nd resons tht help you feel like exercise nd keep you moving,you cn insist on it. Besides,we should form the hbit of exercise.


  Continuing exercise is good to our body nd mind helthy. Summry nd comment (unit 4)----Rgs to rgs,riches to riches From










 development of economy,rther thn opportunity s the crux, especilly for the ntive. The ide tht mericn is exceptionl in its mteril opportunity is deeply lodged in the culture. nd this lso hs brought so much motivtion for the poor. But now pessimistic spirit hs come to dominte the ntionl consciousness nd the stiffening of meric’s economic is worse thn the culture. wht ’ s more,meric ’ s dominnt position mong those western counties is lso becoming unobvious, which lso led chllenges mong peers depend on their prents. So the rel focus of n effort to restore socil nd economic opportunity in meric is to get out of poverty. The uthor’s dvice is pying more ttention on eduction. kind of culture held in esteem hs its irreplceble dvntges. Such s mericn drem, struggle,risk ,self-determintion nd mteril progress re its representtions. So the ste tht rich children sty rich wheres poor children still sty poor cn chnge. However,with the development of the society ,the chnge of the environment,


  the culture is hrd to keep. Wht we need to do is to look for mens to mintin the culture in order to be ldders out of poverty. I gree with the uthor ’ s dvice — — improve eduction.Becuse it’s effective lthough we need severl genertions. Summry nd comment(unit 5) -----teching our children bout evil The uthor begn this essy by sking how to understnd the definition of “evil”. In the body, cretive nd destructive potentils were rised,which would effect people’s behviors gretly.our cretive potentil is to enhnce nd enrich life,but destructive potentil hs the opposite result.In the end, with such wht ’ s bout evil, the uthor concludes the text by offering some hows s to teching our children bout evil. ccording to my understnding, on one hnd, there is no bsolute good or bsolute evil. thing cn be good or evil or both t the sme t ime;On the other hnd, good nd evil hve no difference in size. We c n ’t deny thing is good just becuse it’s too smll, such s picking up t he rubbish on the rod. Or we cn’t sy thing is not evil just becuse it is smll thing, such s spitting everywhere. Finlly, I think good nd


  evil cn be trnsformed sometimes. We cn’t sy one is good or evil forever. In word, good nd evil is complicted term. The reltionship between them is so difficult to define.we should regrd them from n ove rll spect, don’t tret thing or person s good or evil too roughly.

推荐访问:安徽大学研究生英语读写译 summary and comment 4个单元 英语 读写 单元