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时间:2022-07-14 17:00:03 来源:网友投稿





 TABLE OF CONTENTS Clause 1. Commodity 第一条. 商品 Clause 2. Packing 第二条. 包装 Clause 3. Loading &Discharge Ports 第三条. 装运口岸及到货口岸 Clause 4. Shipment 第四条. 装运 Clause 5. Specification, Quantity & Amount 第五条. 规格、数量&金额 Clause 6. Terms of Payment 第六条. 付款条件

 Clause 7. Documents 第七条. 单据 Clause 8. Title &Risk 第八条. 货权及风险的转移 Clause 9. Force Majeure 第九条. 不可抗力 Clause 10. Assignment 第十条. 转让 Clause 11. Entire Agreement Clause 第十一条 全部协议条款 Clause 12. Confidentiality 第十二条. 机密性 Clause 13. Law & Arbitration 第十三条.适用法律及仲裁 Clause 14. Amendment to the Contract

 第十四条. 合同修改

 This Contract is made and entered into by and between: 本合同由下述的买卖双方共同签订:

 Seller: 卖方 Address 地址:

 Phone Number : 电话:

 Fax Number:传真:

 Buyer: 买方 Address 地址:

 Phone Number : 电话:

 Fax Number:传真:

 Whereby the Buyer agrees to buy and the Seller agrees to sell the under-mentioned commodity on theterms and conditions as stipulated below: 据此,买方同意购买及卖方同意对根据以下条款及条件下提到的商品进行销售:

 Clause 1. Commodity 第一条. 商品 (a) Name of Commodity: 商品名称:

 White oak(Latin Name: ) Logs (hereinafter called the “Cargo”) 白橡原木(拉丁文名称:


 (b) Country of Origin: Siberia, Russia 原产地:俄罗斯西伯利亚

 Clause 2. Packing 第二条. 包装 (a) Packing: Ocean containers 包装:海运集装箱

 Clause 3. Loading &Discharge Ports 第三条. 装运口岸及到货口岸 (a) Port of Loading: 装运口岸:

 (b) Port of Discharge: 到货口岸:

 Clause 4. Shipment 第四条. 装货情况 (a)Shipment period: 装货期:

 (b) Transshipment: Allowed 转船:允许 (c) Partial shipment: Allowed 分批装货:允许 (d) The Seller should notify the Buyer in writing or email the loading date of goods in advance. The buyer’s representative will supervise the loading on the scene. 卖方应提前以书面或者邮件的形式告知买方装箱日期。买方代表将在现场监装。

 Clause 5. Specification, Quantity & Amount 第五条. 规格、数量&金额

 Commodity 商品 Dimensions 规格 Price on CIF Dalian basis 大连到岸价 Quantity 数量(m³)

 Amount 金额 White oak Logs 白橡原木 Diameter 直径:cm+ Length 长度:m Free trim 保护端头:cm

  In Total/总计

 (a) More or less: Both quantity and Amount 10% more or less are allowed. 溢短装及上下浮动:可接受总数量±10%溢短装及总金额上下 10%的浮动。

 (b) Grade: ABC. Quality standard abides by 等级:ABC。质量标准遵循文件标准。

 (c) Quality Description: fresh cut,not rotten, without wormhole, not cracked. The bending of wood body should be less than 2%; The mechanical damage depth of the wood body should be less

 than 2cm; The wood body is approximate cylinder, no defect,crotch is allowed. 等级描述:新鲜砍伐。无腐朽;无虫眼;无开裂;材身弯曲度不超过2%;材身机械伤痕深度不超过 2cm。材身为近圆柱无缺损,允许有树杈

 (d) Measurement: measured at the top of the log, under bark. Dia.=(Dia.MAX. +Dia.MIN.) /2 检尺:原木小头皮下检尺。


 Clause 6. Terms of Payment 第六条. 付款条件 Issue 100% irrevocable sight L/C within 5 work days after sign the contract 合同签订后 5 个工作日内开具 100%不可撤销的即期信用证

 Beneficiary’s Bank Information /受益人银行信息:

 Beneficiary Name/受益人名称:

 Beneficiary Address/受益人地址:

 Bank Name/银行名称:

 Swift Code: Beneficiary’s Acc.NO./受益人银行账号:

 (a) All banking charges outside Buyer’s country are for account of the Seller. 买方国家以外的所有银行费用均由卖方承担

 (b) The L/C should include the following additional conditions: 信用证必须包括下述附加的条件:

 (i) Tolerance of plus or minus of 10% in amount and quantity is permitted.

 数量与总额允许增减 10%。

 (ii) All documents should be made out in English. 所有的单据必须用英文出具。

 (iii) Languages appropriate for local issuing authorities ( Quarantine Service, Phytosanitary Service, Chamber of Commerce ) are acceptable on all documents ( Phytosanitary Certificate,Certificate of Origin, Fumigation Certificate) including stamps. 当地出具单据的单位官方语言允许出现在单据上(植检证,原产地证,熏蒸证)和单据签章上。

 (iv) Documents should be presented to the bank within 21 days after B/L date. 提单日后 21 天内,卖方应将单据提交银行议付货款。

 (v) All values and proportions that appear in the letter of credit are applicable to the fullamount of goods of this letter of credit and not applicable to each separate shipped lot. 在信用证里所显示的比例只能适用于总数量,而不能单独适用于每一批货。

 Clause 7. Documents 第七条. 单据 The Seller should present the following documents to the bank for negotiation:


 (a) Bill of lading marked “freight prepaid” in 3 originals and 3 copies. 注明“运费预付”的全套提单三份正本三份副本。

 (b) Phytosanitary certificate issued by official institution in 1 original only.


 (c) Commercial invoice in 3 originals and 2 copies. 商业发票三份正本两份副本。

 (d) Fumigation certificate in 1 original and 1 copy. It is necessary to point the date of fumigation. 熏蒸证明一份正本一份副本,注明熏蒸日期。

 (e) Packing list ( for each shipment) in 3 originals and 2 copy. 每票货的装箱单三份正本两份副本。

 (f) Certificate of Origin issued by official institution in 1 original and 1 copy. 由官方机构出具的原产地证一份正本一份副本。

 (g) Insurance Policy for 110% of invoice value,showing “claims payable in China”and covering all risks and War risks. 保险单投保比例为发票金额的 110%,显示“索赔在中国进行支付”,包含全险和战争险。

 (h) All containers will have min 14 days free detention at destination. 所有集装箱在目的港有不少于 14 天的免费存放期

 (I) All documents must be in English, but the phytosanitary certificate, including its stamps and signing, with official languages of the local issuing authorities are allowed. 所有文件必须是英文,但允许使用当地发证机关使用官方语言的植物检疫证书,包括其签章和签字。

 (J) Typing errors which do not affect the price or/and quantity, or do not change the meaning of the word or the sentence, will be not considered as discrepancy.


 Clause 8. Title &Risk 第八条. 货权及风险的转移 (a) The title with respect to each shipment should pass from the Seller to the Buyer when the Seller has received the full payment for such shipment under this Contract. 卖方获得本合同下每批货的全部付款以后,每批货的物权从卖方转移给买方。

 (b) All risk of loss, damage or destruction of the Cargo should pass to the Buyer at the time of discharge of the Cargo from vessel to the destination port. 货物在目的港卸船以后,所有的货物损失,损坏或破坏的风险转移给买方。

 Clause 9. Force Majeure 第九条. 不可抗力

 The ICC Force Majeure Clause 2003 is incorporated into this Contract. 国际商会 2003 年标准下的不可抗力的条款适用于本合同。

 Clause 10. Assignment 第十条. 转让 A party should not assign any of their rights under the Contract unless prior written consents received from the other party. 双方不得转让任何本合同下的权利,除非事先得到对方书面的同意。

 Clause 11. Entire Agreement Clause 第十一条 全部协议条款 This Contract constitutes the entire agreement of the Parties and supersedes any previous expressions of intent or understanding in respect of subject commodity trade. 本合同构成买卖双方的全部协议,取代之前关于目标商品交易相关的任何意图及理解。

 This contract shall commence on the date of contract and shall continue for a period of one year. 自合同签订日起有效期一年。

 Clause 12. Confidentiality 第十二条. 机密性 The Parties agree that the terms of this Contract should be kept confidential in all aspects and the Parties undertake not to disclose to any third party the terms of this Contract unless required by law, court order or regulatory requirement(s), or for the purposes of enforcing this Contractbetween the Parties. 双方同意对本合同的条款进行全方位保密。除法律要求,法院命令或法规要求,或为双方执行本合同的目的外,双方承诺不向任何第三方披露本合同的条款。

 Clause 13. Law & Arbitration 第十三条.适用法律及仲裁 (a) Unless otherwise stipulated in this contract, the terms and conditions of this contract shall be interpreted in accordance with the International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms

 (INCONTERMS 2000 provided by International Chamber of Commerce and The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods . 除非另有约定,本合同受国际商会发布的《2000 年国际贸易术语解释通则》和《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的约束。

 (b) Any and all disputes arising out or in connection with this Contract shall be settled amicable by negotiations.In case no settlement can be reached, the case under dispute should then be submitted to and resolved by arbitration administered by The London Court Of International Arbitration (LCIA)under the LCIA Arbitration Rules in force when the Notice of Arbitration is submitted. The arbitration award shall be final and binding upon both contracting parties. The law of this arbitration clause shall be English law. The seat of arbitration shall be London, England. The number of arbitrators shall be three. The arbitration proceedings shall be conducted in English language. 凡有关本合同或执行本合同而发生的一切争议,应通过友好协商解决。如不能解决时,则任何一方有权申请由伦敦国际仲裁中心(LIAC)进行仲裁解决并提供仲裁通知。这一仲裁裁决是终局性的,对双方当事人均


 (c) This contract is written in Chinese and English, both version are equivalently effective. 本合同以中英文书就。两种文字具有同等效力。

 Clause 14. Amendment to the Contract 第十四条. 合同修改 Any amendment or modification to this Contract shall be made in writing and subject to agreement by both parties. 对合同的任何修改均需经双方同意并签署书面补充文件。

 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be executed by duly authorized representatives & of both parties on the date and year first written above. 本约由被授权之人,于本约序文所记载日期,代表双方当事人缔结之,特此为证。

  By: 代表人:

 By: 代表人:

 Title: 职务 Title: 职务

推荐访问:俄罗斯原木购销合同(中英文对照) 俄罗斯 原木 中英文对照