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时间:2022-07-06 17:40:03 来源:网友投稿




  接下来在《超自然实录》中播出的是 Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera," 墓地保安被死者折磨…… a cemetery security guard is tormented by the dead... 我真的不确定这里发生了什么 I"m really not sure what"s going on here. 我要出去了 I"m getting out. 那天晚上之后,我想,这不是我想做的事了 After that night, I thought, this is not something that I want to do anymore. ……幽灵猎手在闹鬼的战舰上 Narrator: ...Ghost hunters get the fright of their lives 受到惊吓…… on a haunted battleship... -那是什么? -有人来了 -What was that? -Somebody"s here. 我总是被告知,永远不想看到一个幽灵 I was always told, never want to see an apparition. 它会改变你的生活 你会希望你从未见过它 It"ll change your life. You"ll wish you never saw it. 而现在,也许无知是幸福的 And now, maybe ignorance is bliss. ……一团可控的火中冒出一个 Narrator: ...A controlled fire 神秘的生物…… smokes out a mysterious cryptid... 我看了它,我想,那可能是野人 I watched it and I"m like, that might be sasquatch. ......一群不明飞行物布满波兰的上空...... Narrator: ...A fleet of ufos fill the sky in poland... [女人在说外语]:那是什么?一个 UFO? [ woman speaking foreign language] 卡诺:每当你看到这种类型的飞行聚会时 cano: Anytime you see a gathering of this type, 你会想,“哦,我们会在那一天发现 you"re thinking, "oh, is this the day the world finds out 我们在世界上并不孤单?” that we are not alone?" 天啊,这里发生了什么? ......还有更多超自然镜头......

 narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage 等着你去看 you have to see... 去相信 To believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第二十一集 俄克拉荷马州的一场大火熏出了神秘生物 A Fire Smokes Out a Cryptid in Oklahoma 在墓地上夜班不适合胆小的人 working the night shift at a cemetery is not for the faint of heart. [雷声轰鸣] [ thunder crashes ] 你听到的每一个噪音...... [猫头鹰叫声,植被沙沙作响] every noise you hear... [ owl hoots, vegetation rustles ] 每一个穿过你道路的阴影... ...Every shadow that crosses your path... 都可以激发你的想象力... Can activate your imagination... 让你的手心出汗... Make your palms sweat... 让心跳加快了一点 And heart beat a little faster. [男人气喘吁吁] [ man panting ] 如果你突然感觉到自己处于危险之中 and if you do suddenly sense that you"re in danger, 那么周围只会有死人或者地下六英尺埋着的人 the only people around are dead and six feet under. 一位来自佐治亚州萨凡纳的保安 a security guard from savannah, georgia, 以惨痛的方式学会了这一切…… learned all of this the hard way... 鲁尼恩:我真的不知道这里发生了什么 Runyan: I"m really not sure what"s going on here. ......并且有一些可怕的镜头来证明这一点 Narrator: ...And has some frightening footage to prove it. 鲁尼恩:哦,我正在把它[消音]弄出来 Runyan: Oh, I"m getting the [bleep] out. 案例:死路一条的工作 2019 年 7 月,在佐治亚州萨凡纳的

 narrator: July 2019 in savannah, georgia, 一个晚上,约书亚·鲁尼恩,一个墓地的保安 one night, joshua runyan, a security guard for a cemetery, 在休息日被叫去上班 is called into work on his day off 他为另一名警卫轮班 to cover a shift for another guard 而那位警卫突然神秘地离岗了 who suddenly and mysteriously quit. 但是就当他在巡视时 But as he is making his rounds, 约书亚听到陵墓里传来了声音 joshua hears noises coming from the mausoleum, 所以他进去仔细看看 so he goes inside to take a closer look. 鲁尼恩:我真的听到有人在敲门 Runyan: I"m actually hearing something banging on the door. 我希望我能抓住这个王八蛋 I"m hoping I"m going to catch this son of a bitch. 门又开了 The door was open again. 起初,约书亚怀疑是入侵者 Narrator: At first, joshua suspects an intruder. 但越往深处走,他就越害怕 But the deeper he goes, the more frightened he becomes. [大声垮塌] 鲁尼恩:[消音] [ loud crash ] runyan: [ bleep ] 嘿,你出来吧 我不玩了 hey, you need to come out. I"m not playing anymore. 看了几分钟后 Narrator: After a few minutes of looking around, 约书亚找不到引起噪音的原因 joshua is unable to find what"s causing the noises, 所以他决定回到他的卡车上 so he decides to go back to his truck, 将视频上传到社交媒体页面 upload the video to a social-media page, 并查看录像 and review the footage. 他的所见所闻让他心惊胆战 What he sees and hears freaks him out.

 我的名字是乔希 我是佐治亚州 My name is josh. I was a security officer 萨凡纳墓地的安保人员 for this cemetery in savannah, georgia. 人们不明白的是 What people don"t understand is 当你在听东西或录像东西时 when you"re hearing things or you"re picking up things off -- 我的 iphone 就是我正在使用 iPhone my iphone is what I"m using. I"m using my iphone. 所以,当你听到这些东西时... So, when you"re hearing that stuff... [敲打] [ banging ] ……我听到它发出的声音很微弱、很安静 ...I"m hearing it very faintly. I"m hearing it very quietly. 但后来我回去听手♥机♥,它发出的声音非常响亮 But then I go back and listen to it, and it"s very loud. [大声垮塌] [消音] [ loud crash ] [ bleep ] 但吓坏约书亚的 narrator: But it"s not just the loudness 不仅仅是敲击声的响声 of the banging that terrifies joshua. 而是他突然听到一个声音 It"s when he suddenly hears a voice. 一个小女孩呼救的声音 The voice of a little girl calling for help. 这还不是全部 And that"s not all. 鲁尼恩:我希望我能抓住这个王八蛋 Runyan: I"m hoping I"m going to catch this son of a bitch. 把你的眼睛放在屏幕的右侧 Narrator: Keep your eyes on the right side of your screen 看起来像是……一个小孩的腿 at what appears to be... The legs of a small child. 鲁尼恩:好的,伙计们,我刚刚看到 Runyan: Alright, guys, I just saw, when my video uploaded, 当我的视频上传后,角落里站着一个人 there was somebody standing in the corner. 那时当我经过时,我没有看到

 I didn"t see the legs or any kind of body figure 任何腿或人型物体 when I was walking past. 所以,我没有在右手边看到任何东西 So, I didn"t see anything on the right-hand side 直到它上传后 until it uploaded. 但这部恐怖片才刚刚开始 Narrator: But this horror movie is just getting started. 当约书亚回到他的轮班岗位时 Joshua returns to his shift 他注意到令人毛骨悚然的红灯亮起…… when he suddenly notices the creepy red lights are on... 鲁尼恩:什么鬼[哔] Runyan: What the [bleep] ……就在附近的小教堂里 narrator: ...In the nearby chapel. 鲁尼恩:灯忽明忽暗 Runyan: The lights are flickering on and off. 等一下,伙计们 Hang on a second, guys. 所以,为了让你们可以在这里给我见证 So, just so y"all can be witness here, 我要检查一下这里,[哔哔] 然后跑出去 I"m chickening out and [bleep] getting the hell out of here. 本来是我的休息日 This is my day off. 基本上,这些灯应该是定时的 Basically, those lights are supposed to be on a timer 并且只在特定时间亮起 and only come on at a certain time, 他们本应该是关闭的 and they"re supposed to be off. 我已经多次尝试 And I"ve tried multiple times 让这些灯真正亮起来 to get those lights to actually come on. 我设法点亮了一盏灯 And I managed to get one light on, 所以我无法弄清楚 so I can"t figure out how somebody

 某人或某物是怎么让这些灯在闪烁的 or something was getting these lights to flicker on and off. 有人吗? hello? 嘿,看,如果你在这里只是 [哔哔] Hey look, if you just out here [bleep] with me, 和我在一起,你就注定要入狱 你明白吗? you"re fixing to end up in jail. You understand? 所以你在哪里? So, where are you? 我真的不确定这里发生了什么 I"m really not sure what"s going on here. 出去!

 那不是小女孩的鬼魂 Narrator: That"s no little girl ghost. 出去!

 这听起来像是更可怕的事情 That sounds like something much more terrifying. 鲁尼恩:不会吧 是的 我已经 [哔哔] 完了 Runyan: Nope. Yep. I"m [bleep] done. 我一生中从未有过这种感觉 I"ve never felt that way in my life. 我从来没有那种需要跑得那么快的感觉 I"ve never felt that way to where I need to run that quick. 有人和我一起[哔哔] Somebody is out here [bleep] with me. 有点吓人[呲牙] That is some scary [bleep] 我不再做这种垃圾事情了 I ain"t doing this garbage no more. 最可怕的是你的胃 The most frightening thing is the pit of your stomach, 几乎感觉要马上去洗手间 almost feeling like you need to go to the bathroom immediately. 它把我吓坏了 这太令人不安了 It scared it out of me. It was so unsettling. 就像一堆情绪击中了我 It was like a bunch of emotions that hit me. 我想立即离开那里 And I wanted out of there immediately. 出去!


 不会吧 我已经 [哔哔] 完了 Nope. I"m [bleep] done. 我知道任何人都无法做到这一点 I knew that there was no way for anybody to do that, 能制♥造♥那种噪音 to make that kind of noise. 出去!

 就在那时 That"s when the point came that 我没想到我会搞砸了 I didn"t think I was being messed with. 在这一点上,我不认为这是一个人 I didn"t think this was a human being at this point. 有人吗? 保安 Hello? Security. 莫兰:这实际上是一个非常可怕的视频 Moran: This is actually a pretty terrifying video. 鲁尼恩:好的 Runyan: Okay. 起初,你觉得,一个保安 At first, you feel like, a security guard, 他听到了什么,那只是闯入者 he hears something, it"s just trespassers. 鲁尼恩:有人吗? Runyan: Hello? 莫兰:然后,你真的听到了这些声音 Moran: And then, you actually hear these voices, 听起来很孩子气 which sound childlike. 救命 你会想,“嗯,这只是孩子们在瞎玩 And you think, "well, it"s just kids fooling around. 他们放学后留在那里” They stayed after hours or something." [砰的一声] [ thud ] 鲁尼恩:嘿,你要出来 runyan: Hey, you need to come out. 我不玩了 I"m not playing anymore. 莫兰:但随着事情的发展

 Moran: But as it goes on, 你开始发现情况可能并非如此 you begin to see that that"s probably not the case. 救命 他是保安 He"s the security guard. 他知道墓地的布局 He knows the layout of the cemetery. 他一边回应一边往各个地方走去 He"s going into the places as he"s responding, 希望能找到躲在拐角处的人 expecting to find someone hiding around the corner. 当他到达他听到噪音的地方时 And any time he gets to where he heard the noise, 那里没有人也没有可以逃生的路线 there"s no one and no escape route 没有人能不经过他而跑掉 that doesn"t involve going past him. 我真的不确定这里发生了什么 I"m really not sure what"s going on here. 出去!

 他现在所经历的,叫做无实体的声音 What he"s experiencing right now is called a disembodied voice. 没有实体的声音真的很令人不安 Disembodied voices can be really unsettling, 尤其是当你没有看到周围的人时 especially if you don"t see anyone around. 我已经 [哔哔] 完了 I"m [bleep] done. 这里发生了一些令人毛骨悚然的事[哔哔声] This is some spooky [bleep] going on here. 不会吧 Nope. 这就是我的安全专员 [哔哔] 辞职的原因 This is why my security officer [bleep] quit. 那约书亚在陵墓里 Narrator: And what about the child"s legs 遇到的孩子的腿是怎么回事? that joshua had walked past while in the mausoleum? 听不到低沉的声...

推荐访问:Paranormal Caught on Camera《超自然实录(2020)》第二季第二十一集完整中英文对照剧本 超自然 实录 第二季