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时间:2022-07-06 17:40:03 来源:网友投稿




  接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是 Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera," 捉鬼人的近距离遭遇 ghost hunters have a close encounter. -男:太疯狂了 -遇到猫头鹰人 -Man: It"s going crazy -...With the owlman 男:这让我脊背发冷 man: That sends a chill down my spine 因为那一刻你是多么脆弱 ? because how vulnerable were you at that moment? 一个腹语假人 .... Narrator: A ventriloquist dummy.... 活了过来 Comes to life. 男:假人已经够吓人了 Man: Dummies are creepy enough, 但看到它会自己移♥动♥… but to see this one actually move by itself... 一个巨大的不明飞行物盘旋在中国一座拥挤的城市上空 Narrator: An enormous ufo hovers above a crowded city in china. 男:他们显然不是想躲起来 Man: They"re obviously not trying to hide. 这说明这至少不是一般意义上的不明飞行物 That kind of tells me maybe this isn"t a conventional ufo at least. 一个恶魔灵魂闯入了一间公♥寓♥ Narrator: A demonic spirit crashes an apartment. 如果我是那些人,我就会离开公♥寓♥ If I was those people, I would get out of the apartment 去找个不闹鬼的地方 and go find a place that"s not haunted. 还有更多超自然镜头,你等着你去看… Narrator: Plus even more paranormal footage you have to see... 去相信 To believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第十九集 复活的口♥技♥假人 A Ventriloquist Dummy Comes to Life 全国有一些地方因闹鬼而臭名昭著 there are certain locations around the country notorious for being haunted.

 比如一家不愿透露姓名的乔治亚酒店 Like one georgia hotel that prefers to remain nameless. 1920 年由三姐妹买♥♥下,她们一直未婚 Bought in 1920 by three wealthy sisters who never married 直到 20 世纪 50 年代才开始经营生意 and ran the business until the 1950s. 安德鲁•卡内基、约翰•D•洛克菲勒等人都参观过这座经典的建筑 The classic building has been visited by the likes of andrew carnegie, john d. Rockefeller... 据说这里在过去的 100 年里有无数的鬼魂 and reported endless string of spirits and ghosts over the past 100 years, 最近,有传言说一位老人在其中一间客房♥里去世了 and more recently, it"s rumored that an elderly man passed away in one of the guest rooms -- 但他的鬼魂仍然存在 and his ghost is still present. 这里仍然是业余猎鬼者的热门目的地 It remains a popular destination for amateur ghost hunters 他们希望能遇到超自然现象 hoping for an encounter with the paranormal. 但有个人发现,要小心你的愿望 But as one man found out, be careful what you wish for. 男:我不会再回来关上那扇门了 Man: I won"t come back to close that door one more time. 怎么回事? what the hell? 案例:毁灭般的服务 2019 年 8 月,幽灵猎人克莱顿•戈尔达 narrator: In August 2019, ghost hunter clayton golda 入住了佐治亚州圣玛丽斯一家拥有 102 年历史的酒店 checked into a 102 year old hotel in st. Marys, georgia, 那里出了名的闹鬼 which had a reputation for being haunted. 他的目标是? His goal? 独自度过这个夜晚,寻找闹鬼的证据 Spend the night alone and find evidence of the haunting. 所以我要待在这个超级闹鬼的房♥间里 So, I"m staying in this super haunted room. 我甚至已经准备好摄像机了 And I was even getting ready to film or anything yet. 我已经准备好一切了

 I was going to throw all my stuff on my charger. 我想出去走走 And I was going to go outside. 晚上再抽根雪茄,然后再回来 I was going to have a cigar for the night and then come back in 然后架设好相机准备拍摄 and then try to set some cameras and film. 好了吗? Okay? 我在这房♥间里待了大概十分钟 I"ve been in this room for like 10 minutes. 我的电扇关了,又开了 My fan has shut off and turned back on. 看到了吗? See that? 那边浴室的门,没有窗户开着 The bathroom door over there, there"s no windows open. 我什么都没做,窗户就自己关闭了 I got nothing going on and that thing right there just closed all by itself. 所以我告诉你,这有点吓人 So I"m telling you what, it"s a little spooky. 我在想 I am thinking it"s -- 我认为这很巧妙 a am thinking it"s kind of neat. 所以我可能要去抽雪茄,然后再回来 So I"m probably going to go have my cigar, I"m gonna come back, 设置一些摄像头,然后做我想做的 set some cameras up, and do whatever I -- 电池快没电了,我要尽我所能拍到它们 battery"s about to go low -- and then do whatever I can to get it -- 现在就要关门了,伙计们 it"s closing right now, guys. 只是动了一下 just moved a little bit. 告诉你,你看到了吗? Telling you, it just -- see that? 这里没人和我在一起 there"s no one in here with me. 我叫克莱顿•果尔达 My name is clayton golda.

 事情就这样发生了 It just happened, just like that. 灵异活动开始发生 Activity started happening. 这真的很令人兴奋 It was... It was really exciting. 我快没电了 I didn"t have much battery power. 但我想要拍到它,因为我不知道这是否会再次发生 But I wanted to get it because I didn"t know if this is going to happen again. 我不记得它发生过一次还是两次 I can"t remember if it did it once or twice while -- 在我录像之前 before I turned it on, or what. 就一直在闹鬼,但我没拍到 But it"s been doing it a lot and I don"t get it, 因为我试着亲手去录像 because I tried doing it by hand-- 我都起鸡皮疙瘩了 I got goose bumps. 果然,又发生了,就在镜头前 Sure enough, it happened again, right on camera. 在那之后,事情一直在发生 Stuff just kept happening after that. 如果你再次关上那扇门,我就不再回来了 I won"t come back if you close that door one more time. (很好的) [ rattling ] 什么鬼? what the hell?! 克莱顿走进浴室,想看看他是否能观察到什么 Narrator: Clayton goes inside the bathroom to see if he can detect a presence. 这里没人,伙计们 There"s no one here, guys. 然后在门上做一个测试 Narrator: And to conduct a test on the door. 你可以看到,观察到 You can see, watch. 仔细观察 Watch. 看,仔细观察

 See, watch. 它不会自己关闭 It doesn"t close by itself. 首先,我知道它是一种有智慧的灵魂 Well, first of all, I know it is an intelligent kind of spirit 因为,你知道 because, you know, again, 你让某人做某事,他就会照做 you ask somebody to do something and it does it. 你让这个鬼魂把门关上,它就会把门关上 You ask this ghost to shut the door and it shuts the door. 这个幽灵调查有多棒? So how great is that for a ghost investigation? 你懂的,跟灵魂对话 To actually, you know, talk to the spirit. 戈尔达:我要离开这个房♥间一会儿 Golda: I"ll leave this room for a little while. 如果你再次关上那扇门,我就不再回来了 I won"t come back if you close that door one more time. 什么鬼? what the hell?! (格格的响声) [ rattling ] 男:它不像任何一种好斗的灵魂 man: It"s not like an aggressive spirit of any kind, 看起来一点也不吓人 it doesn"t seem threatening at all. 所以他们看起来是有某种联♥系♥的 So at least they seem to be on some sort of terms. 我可能要去睡觉了 I"m gonna probably get ready for bed, 但我想还是开着摄像机吧 but I"m thinking I"m gonna leave the camera on. 我讨厌开着灯睡觉 I hate sleeping with the light on, 但我还是开着灯吧 but maybe I"ll leave light on 在我睡觉的时候让摄像机开着 and we"ll just leave the camera rolling while I sleep, 看看有什么玄机,有什么事会发生 see how it goes, see if anything happens.

 如果真的发生了什么,那太好了 If something does happen, great. 克莱顿很快就去睡觉了 Narrator: Clayton goes to bed shortly after, 然后睡着了 and actually manages to fall asleep. 晚上的大部分时间都很平常 Most of the night seems unremarkable, 但在凌晨 3:30 左右… but then around 3:30 a.M... 把你的眼睛放在屏幕的右下方 Keep your eyes on the lower right side of your screen. 一把椅子被推到或拉到克莱顿的床边 a chair is pushed or pulled right up next to clayton"s bed. 用足够的力量移♥动♥了风扇 with enough force to actually move the fan. 这个看不见的人实际上把椅子拉到床边 This unseen figure actually draws a chair up next to his bed, 我假设他睡觉时幽灵也得有椅子坐 and I have to assume has a seat while he"s sleeping. 你知道,这是一件让人不舒服的事 You know, that"s something that was a little off-putting. 女:推一把椅子需要一些力量 Woman: And takes some force to push a rolling chair. 所以这绝对是不寻常的 So that"s definitely unusual to see. 几分钟后 Narrator: Just a few minutes later, 克莱顿突然惊醒了 clayton is suddenly startled awake. 再一次,把你的眼睛放在屏幕的右边 Again, keep your eyes on the right side of the screen. 具体来说,是床的右下角 Specifically, the lower right corner of the bed. 好像有什么东西或什么人在摇晃床 something or someone appears to jolt the bed 把克莱顿摇醒了 and shake clayton awake. 在夜间,我们正在目睹的灵异活动类型发生了转变 At nighttime, it feels like there"s a shift in the type of activity we are witnessing. 它似乎更有力量,甚至可能更强烈

 It seems a little more forceful and even perhaps with more intense. 当我看到这段夜间录像时,最让我震惊的是 What strikes me when I see this nighttime footage is 他是多么的脆弱,多么需要依赖 how vulnerable he must be and how relatable that is. 男:在我的领域,人们通常认为 Man: In my field, it"s often believed that 当你睡觉时,你就会旅行 when you are sleep, you travel. 有一种星体旅行,在那里你可以和灵魂互动 there"s astral travel, and that"s a place where you can interact with spirits. 如果他们有话要说 if they have something to say, 也许是通过一个梦,也许通过一种方式 perhaps it"s through a dream, through a way 他们不需要以物质形式显现 that they don"t have to manifest in a physical form. 我们会去他们的飞船上见面 We"re going to meet them on their plane. 我们会去他们的地盘和他们会合 We"re going to meet them on their turf. 看完录像后 Narrator: After viewing the tape, 克莱顿兴奋得睡不着觉 clayton was too excited to go back to sleep. 闹鬼是真的 The haunting was real. 果尔达:我个人觉得这是 Golda: I personally feel this was the spirit 鬼魂在经过那个房♥间 that might have passed in that room 而且它还在那里 that was just still there 其实跟我一点关系都没有 and didn"t even have anything to do with me whatsoever. 不管是什么原因 Narrator: Whatever the cause, 克莱顿有了他需要的所有证据 clayton had all the evidence he needed. 第二天早上,他退房♥了,很早 The next morning, he checked out -- early.

 果尔达:我只是在那里感到害怕 Golda: I just felt terrified being there. 我有那种感觉 Just a feeling. 这个视频就是我所寻找的证据 And that"s one of the things I look for. 不仅仅有物体在移♥动♥ Not just objects moving, 不仅如此--我喜欢我从这些地方得到的感觉 not just that -- I go for the feeling that you receive from these places. 这也是我所寻找的东西 And that"s what the kind of stuff I look for as well. 吓坏了,伙计们,我吓坏了 Freaking out, guys, I"m freaking out. 接下来,两个俄♥罗♥斯♥猎鬼者遇到了一个爱搞恶作剧的鬼 narrator: Co...

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