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时间:2022-07-06 17:35:02 来源:网友投稿




  接下来在《超自然实录》中播出的是 Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera," 三个男孩在冻土带上发现了巨大的脚印…… three boys discover massive footprints in the tundra... 好大的脚印 …这导致了一场可怕的遭遇 ...That lead to a terrifying encounter. 那是什么? 不管它是什么 它看起来非常巨大 Whatever it is seems huge. 它要过来吃了我 回家的旅行…… Narrator: A home tour... [说西班牙语] [ speaking spanish ] ……遇到了一个可怕的影子人 narrator: ...Reveals a horrifying shadow person. 看到那东西躺在床上 To see that thing laying in the bed like that, 差点吓死我 that would scare the hell out of me. 南加州上空的奇异景象 让一个十几岁的孩子发抖 Narrator: A bizarre sight over southern california leaves a teenager trembling. 萨莫拉:哦 我的天哪 你不能再发抖了 Zamora: Oh, my gosh, you"ve got to stop shaking. 我以为是外星人入侵了 I thought it was, like, aliens coming to invade. 我也不知道怎么回事 Like, I have no idea. 葛底斯堡的一次令人难以置信的捉鬼行动…… Narrator: An incredible ghost capture in gettysburg... 迪莉娅:就在那里 看到了吗? Delia: Right there, see it? 汤姆:嗯 看 Tom: Uh-huh. Look. 海斯:这是一些最好的镜头 Hayes: This is some of the best footage that, 在我看来 已经被抓拍到了 in my opinion, has been captured. ……还有更多超自然影像等着你去看…

 Narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage you have to see... 杰弗里:哦 天哪 Jeffrey: Oh, my god. ……去相信 Narrator: ...To believe. (嘘声) [ hisses ] 超自然实录 第二季 第十三集 西伯利亚的大脚野人 A Sasquatch Spotted in Siberia 西伯利亚是最偏远的 siberia -- one of the most remote, 地球上最不宜居住的地方之一 uninhabitable places on earth. 从 1920 年到 1952 年 有 1800 万人被送进了斯大林的古♥拉♥格♥集中营 From around 1920 to 1952, 18 million people were sent to stalin"s gulags or forced prison camps, 很多人死于饥饿 疾病 疲惫或被处决 where many died of starvation, disease, exhaustion or were simply executed. (枪声) [ gunshot ] 但有一种半人半兽的神秘动物 but there is one half-man, half-beast cryptid --雪人 当地人认为它们还活得好好的 that locals believe is alive and well in this part of the world -- the yeti. 雪人和美国的大脚怪相似 Similar to the bigfoot in america, 据信 自从人类诞生以来 雪人就一直在亚洲大♥陆♥上制♥造♥恐怖 the yeti is believed to have terrorized the continent of asia for as long as humans have lived. 现在 三个俄♥罗♥斯♥男孩可能抓拍到了它存在的可怕证据 And now three russian boys may have captured terrifying proof of its existence. 案例:苔原地带中的恐♥怖♥分♥子♥ 克麦罗沃 俄♥罗♥斯♥ 西伯利亚西南部的一个城市 kemerovo, russia, a city in southwestern siberia. 2012 年 三个男孩在树林附近玩耍时 In 2012, three boys were playing near the woods 无意间发现了一些巨大的脚印 when they stumbled upon some large footprints.

 我猜它在追踪某人 看那脚印,它移♥动♥很缓慢 我们去查看下? 据男孩们说 According to the boys, 你在这里看到的脚印大约 16 英寸长 7 英寸宽 the footprints you"re seeing here were about 16 inches long and 7 inches wide. 我不确定什么生物能留下这么大的脚印 Not sure what creature could possibly make tracks that big, 男孩们做了最好奇的孩子都会做的事 the boys did what most curious kids would do in that situation. 他们沿着铁轨查看…… They followed the tracks... 我们小心一点!

 …用手♥机&earts;记录他们的冒险 ...While recording their adventure on a cellphone. 你确定要这么做? 加油 小心点 好大的脚印 尽管他们明显感到恐惧…… Despite their obvious fear... 我们是不是应该回去了?我好害怕!

 …男孩们继续往前走 ...The boys kept going. 不要停下来 这是某种分叉脚印 我好冷 继续往前 突然 他们来到了森林的边缘 Suddenly, they reached the edge of the forest, 当镜头向上移♥动♥时 他们看到了… and when the camera pans up, they see it... 看 我们保持安静 …一个大型的、毛茸茸的… ...A large, furry... 我们靠近一点 …野兽一样的生物 ...Beastlike creature. 你看到了吗? 这会是…… Could it be...

 那是什么? …一个雪人吗? ...A yeti? 西里尔 快跑!


 我是最后一个,它要吃了我 这些孩子逃跑的事实告诉我两件事之一 The fact that these kids take off running tells me one of two things. 第一 他们是聪明的孩子 One, they"re smart kids. 而且对于一个人来说 Even if this is a person, 这也是一个危险的情况 it could be a dangerous situation 第二 他们实际上害怕他们所看到的 and two that they were actually scared of what they saw. 他们似乎不是在笑 也不是在玩 They didn"t seem to be laughing or playing. 他们似乎都很害怕 想要离开那里 They seem generally frightened and wanted to get out of there, 这说明他们看到的东西对他们来说并不自然 so that tells me that whatever they saw wasn"t natural to them. 不自然 很可怕 Narrator: Not natural and terrifying. 莫兰:这是一段很棒的类人身形的视频 Moran: This is great footage of some kind of a humanoid figure. 我们可以很清楚地看到它 We get a pretty clear look at it, 这看起来就像你想象中的大脚怪的样子 this what looks just like you would imagine a bigfoot-type creature to look like. 在我看来 它似乎对孩子们的叫声有了反应 To me, its reaction seems to be that it"s hearing them 然后短暂地停顿了一下 following it and pauses briefly, 看起来像转过肩膀 看了下它是否被跟踪 looks kind of over its shoulder to see if it"s being followed, 然后当它感觉到孩子们在那里时…… and then when it senses that they are there... …它转过身 迅速朝另一个方向跑去…… ...It turns and quickly runs in the other direction... 西里尔 快跑!


 …孩子们也是这样做的 ...Which they do also, 我认为这是一个很好的反应 which I think is a great reaction 因为我能想象雪人在雪地里比小男孩跑得快 because I would imagine that yetis do run better in snow than small boys. 如果这真的是雪人 Narrator: And if this was in fact a yeti, 男孩们做了一个非常明智的选择 the boys made a very wise choice. 据报道 雪人在俄♥罗♥斯♥有着悠久而暴♥力♥的历史 It has been reported that the yeti has a long and violent history in russia, 一千多英里外发生了一起可怕的事件 one gruesome incident occurring just over 1,000 miles away. 海斯:很多人认为雪人是美国大脚怪或大脚野人的表亲 它更暴♥力♥ Hayes: Many people claim that the yeti is a more violent cousin of the american bigfoot or sasquatch, 当然也有一些证据支持这一点 and there"s certainly some evidence to back that up. 有 1959 年的迪亚特洛夫事件 You have the dyatlov pass from 1959. 几名滑雪者被杀 Several skiers were actually killed. [生物咆哮] [ creature growls ] 麦克尼尔:一群年轻人在露营 mcneill: A group of young people were camping out, 去滑雪 然后消失了 几天或几周后被发现已经被压扁了 going skiing, disappear, found days or weeks later appearing to be crushed somehow, 其中一个舌头没了 one of them missing their tongue. 他们没有正常地离开帐篷 They didn"t exit their tents normally. 他们撕开帐篷 从后面跑了出去 They ripped their tents open and went out the backs of them. 许多人认为他们的暴死是雪人袭击的结果 Many people believe that the violent death that they succumbed to was a result of a yeti attack. 我是最后一个,它要吃了我 幸运的是 男孩们都安全离开了 Narrator: Fortunately, the boys all made it out of there safely,

 但它们是否逃过了雪人的魔爪仍是个谜 but whether or not they narrowly escaped from the clutches of a yeti remains a mystery. 有一件事是肯定的 One thing is for certain. 他们永远不会忘记在森林中遇到的西伯利亚怪物 They will never forget their encounter with a siberian monster in the woods. 西里尔 快跑!

 很多人相信人死后 many believe that when people die, 他们的灵魂离开了人形 进入了来世 their spirits leave their human form and move on to the afterlife, 可能会成为永恒 possibly for all of eternity, 但在一个人死后的几天里 but in the days immediately following a death, 有报道称 它们会成为鬼魂徘徊在地球上 there have been reports of a spirit lingering on earth, 也许是最后一次说再见 或者去处理未完成的事情 maybe to say goodbye one last time or to take care of unfinished business. 他们以一种神秘、无形的方式让人感受到自己的存在 They make their presence felt in mysterious, intangible ways, 像风中的沙沙声 like a rustle in the wind, 像轻轻触碰身体的某个地方 如果你够幸运的话 a light touch somewhere on the body or perhaps if you"re lucky, 它会出现在你的后门廊 an appearance on your back porch. 我们家后院有个球体 天啊 Jeffrey: There is an orb in our backyard, oh, my god. 案例:是否相信球体就是鬼魂 2019 年的春天 narrator: In the spring of 2019, 就在他父亲去世后的一天 just a day after his father passed away, 杰弗里•麦克斯韦的妻子让他去调查 jeffrey maxwell"s wife asked him to investigate 有什么触发了他们在亚利桑那州吉尔伯特家的监控摄像头 what triggered the security camera at their home in gilbert, arizona. 杰弗里:我们的相机拍到了这片模糊的白色块 Jeffrey: So our camera is picking up this white blur, 但外面什么都没有 没有光 没有虫子

 but there"s nothing outside, no light, no bug. 这是现场直播 This is live view. 那个发光的 完美的圆形光球悬在空中 Narrator: The glowing, perfectly round ball of light hung in the air, 它完全不动 杰弗里越来越被它的存在所困扰 completely still as jeffrey grew increasingly disturbed by its presence. 杰弗里:安 这——我——这一点都不好玩了 Jeffrey: Ang, this -- I"m not -- this isn"t fun anymore. 它还在那里 It"s still there. 我去开门 I"m gonna open the door. 我要走出去 I"m going to walk out to it. 我是亚利桑那州吉尔伯特市的杰弗里•麦克斯韦尔 Jeffrey maxwell in gilbert, arizona. 我跑出去看看是什么 I ran outside to see what it was, 当我无法亲眼看到它时 and when I couldn"t see it physically with my eyes, 我拿了她的手♥机♥ I took her phone, 我看着她的手♥机♥ 心想 这太疯狂了 and I was looking at her phone, and I"m like, "this is crazy." 我只是这样做 I"m just doing this. 好吧 我就在旁边 Okay, I"m right next to it. 这里什么都没有 There is nothing here, nothing. 杰弗里然后把显示屏传给了他的妻子 Narrator: Jeffrey then gave the monitor to his wife, 这样她就可以指导他了 so she could direct him. 杰弗里:我出去的时候 我想…… Jeffrey: When I went outside, I was trying to... 因为我无法亲眼看到它 Because I couldn"t physically see it with my own eyes. 我妻子拿着相机 她说 My wife had her camera, and she"s like,

 “前进 过来” "come forward. Come forward." 近一点吗? closer? 安:对 前进一点 Ang: A little bit in the front, yeah. 在这里吗? 不 你太远了 Right here? No, you"re too far. 不 过来 Well, no, come forward. 我把手穿过它 And I put my hand through it. ...

推荐访问:Paranormal Caught on Camera《超自然实录(2020)》第二季第十三集完整中英文对照剧本 超自然 实录 第二季