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时间:2022-07-06 17:35:02 来源:网友投稿




  接下来在《超自然实录》播出的是… Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 在弗吉尼亚森林深处发现了一只巨大而神秘的动物…… A hulking cryptid spotted deep in the virginia woods... 年轻人:那是什么? Young man: What was that? 斯库曼:看起来不像是一个穿着大猩猩衣服的人 Sceurman: Doesn"t look like it"s a man in a gorilla suit. 它看起来像某种毛茸茸的生物 It actually looks like some kind of hairy creature. ……幽灵般的夜间邂逅…… Narrator: ...A ghostly nighttime encounter... 理查:我一直醒来 Reichard: I kept waking up, 感觉有什么东西坐在床上 或者它在拽被子 feeling like something was sitting on the bed or tugging the covers, 我通常睡得很安稳 and I usually sleep pretty still. ……几十年来一直困扰着当地人的神秘之光…… Narrator: ...A mystifying light that has stumped locals for decades... 男:哇 这太令人迷惑了 Man: Wow, that"s trippy. 这真像幻觉 That"s really trippy. 美国陆军工兵部队确实看到过它 并试图测试它 The army corps of engineers actually saw it and tried to test it. 他们的分♥析♥是 这是一种来历不明的神秘之光 Their analysis was that it was a mysterious light of unknown origin. ……一个恶作剧的幽灵引爆了这段社交媒体录像…… Narrator: ...A mischievous spirit videobombs this social-media recording... 哇! Whoa! 音乐激起灵异活动不是很常见 It"s not uncommon for music to stir up activity. 但我在调查时一直用这个方法 I use that as a method all the time on my investigations. ……一个可怕的幽灵出现在俄勒冈州的一个墓地… Narrator: ...A frightening apparition appears in an oregon cemetery... 莫兰:看起来确实像人影 Moran: It definitely seems to be a figure.

 这个人影是谁 他们到底是死是活 这是个问题 Who that figure is or whether they were actually alive or dead -- that"s the question. ……还有更多你必须亲眼看到才能相信的超自然画面 Narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage you have to see to believe. 超自然实录 第二季 第十一集 小心闹鬼旅馆里的娃娃 Beware the Doll at the Haunted Inn 乔治亚州的萨凡纳被认为是美国最闹鬼的城市之一 savannah, georgia, is considered one of the most haunted cities in the united states. 它建立于 1733 年 经历了从血腥战争到致命疾病的一切灾难 Founded in 1733, it has seen everything from bloody battles to deadly diseases, 很多人相信鬼魂不仅游荡在街道上 leaving many to believe spirits roam not just the streets, 而且游荡在建筑里 but the buildings, as well. 最臭名昭著的建筑之一是 17hundred90 客栈 One of the most infamous structures is the 17hundred90 inn, 这里是世界各地超自然现象爱好者的主要景点 a major attraction for paranormal enthusiasts from around the world 因为这里不断出现鬼魂和无法解释的事件 due to repeated ghost sightings and unexplained occurrences. 当一对夫妇听到这些谣言时 And when one couple heard these rumors, 他们预定了一个房♥间 看看这些故事是否属实 they booked a room to see if the stories were true. 案例:酒店漫长的一夜 吉姆·弗里斯纳和他的妻子温迪 jim frissina and his wife, wendy, 2015 年选择了 17hundred90 酒店进行周末度假 chose the 17hundred90 inn for a weekend getaway in 2015. 吉姆:据说这里闹鬼很严重 Jim: This is supposed to be very haunted here. 我叫吉姆·弗里斯纳 My name is jim frissina, 我在佐治亚州的萨凡纳拍了这个视频 and I took this video in savannah, georgia. 好的 There we go. 我想“你知道吗?我们为什么不让这次旅行增添一点乐趣” I figured, "you know what? Why don"t we spice up the trip a little bit

 “到闹鬼的旅馆里住一住呢?” and stay in one of those haunted hotels?" 哦 那是个好地方 ooh, it"s a nice place. 我真的不相信那里会闹鬼 I really didn"t believe that any of it was haunted. 我肯定有些人会被吓到 I"m sure some people get creeped out 因为这座建筑有 200 年的历史了 because the building is 200 years old 你知道的 那里有闹鬼的故事 and, you know, has that haunted story going, 这是个闹鬼的好故事 and it"s a good haunted story. 但说实话 我当时很怀疑 But to be honest with you, I was very skeptical. 斯勒特:17hundred90 酒店是研究超自然现象的热点 Slaughter: The 17hundred90 inn is a hot spot for paranormal phenomena, 很多超自然爱好者都想待在那里 and a lot of paranormal enthusiasts want to stay there. 所有这些房♥间都被订光了 All these rooms are booked out. 当吉姆和他妻子登记入住时 Narrator: When jim and his wife checked in, 在新装♥修♥的酒店房♥间里 欢迎他们的不是那种典型的诱人感觉 it wasn"t the typical inviting feel of a freshly made-up hotel room that welcomed them. 而是一种奇怪的不安 It was a strange disquiet. 这很难解释 It"s hard to explain, 但这种不安的感觉确实存在 but it"s kind of an uneasy feeling that"s really there. 我们开着电视 因为我不想让这里安静下来 We have the tv on because I just don"t want it quiet in here right now. 这里安静的时候真的很恐怖 It"s really creepy when it"s quiet in here. 我们到达那里的第一个晚上 The first night we got there, 有些事情开始发生了 there were some things that started to happen. 只是一些简单的声音

 Just simple things like some noises. 非常 非常微妙 非常奇怪的感觉 Very, very subtle, strange sensations. 而在这里 我们听到了砰砰的声音就像有人丢了一把锤子 And over here, we"ve had a banging noise right here like somebody literally dropped a hammer. 但是随着噪音和异常感觉的持续存在 Narrator: But as the noises and sensations continued, 吉姆决定调查一下 jim decided to investigate. 事情开始变得严肃起来 所以我想 Things started getting a little serious, so I figured, 你知道吗? 让我架起照相机 "you know what? Let me take this camera. 尽可能多地拍到房♥间 Get as much as of the room as possible 因为我想看看我们能不能抓拍到什么东西 "cause I want to see if we can catch anything." 吉姆晚上一直开着摄像机 narrator: Jim left his video camera on 想看看它是否会捕捉到任何奇怪的活动 during the night to see if it would pick up any strange activity. 接下来的几个晚上 他又重复了这个过程 He repeated the process a couple more nights, 但还是决定保存好视频下次再看 but decided to save the video viewing for another time. 你知道 我的摄像机没关 You know, the camera that I use, I left on. 当我们晚上睡觉的时候 我让它开着 I left it running, you know, while we slept the night, 可以拍到很多录像 and there was a lot of footage. 我不想把假期花在看视频上 好吗? I didn"t want to spend my vacation viewing videos, okay? 所以我没有为了抓拍到东西而坐在那里看几个小时的录像 So I didn"t sit there and watch hours" worth of videos to see if I caught anything. 直到他们在 17hundred90 的最后一晚 Narrator: It wasn"t until their last night 他们在 17hundred90 的逗留发生了非常可怕的转折 that their stay at the 17hundred90 took a very frightening turn. 当我和我妻子谈论我们要去哪里吃晚饭时

 While I was talking to my wife about where we were going to dinner, 她站在镜子前 有种非常强烈的感觉 standing in front of the mirror, the sensation was very intense, 这真的很难解释清楚 and it"s really, really hard to explain. 突然间 我觉得有什么东西在试图和我交流 And all of a sudden, I feel like something is trying to communicate with me. 就像有一层面纱隔在不同的世界之间 Narrator: Like a veil between worlds, 镜子映出一个模糊女人的身影 the mirror reflected back what appeared to be a shadowy female figure. 吉姆很快拍了一张照片 Jim quickly took a photo. 我看见她了 I saw her. 她从镜子里看着我 She was looking at me from the mirror. 直接看着我 Directly at me. 有一个很好的理论认为 通过镜子观察或拍照都更容易看到幽灵 there"s a great theory that it"s easier to witness an apparition through a mirror or take photographs. 我所见过的最好的鬼魂照片 The best ghost picture I have 也是有史以来最棒的照片就是这张镜子里的鬼魂照片 and the best one I"ve ever seen is a picture in a mirror. 看起来像是一个女人的形状 It seems to look like a shape of a woman with, like, 维多利亚时代的发型 an old victorian hairstyle. 这是一种老式的 Kissel: It"s, like, this old-school, 蜂窝型的发型 like, beehive-type look, 大概像内战时期的样子 which is probably around the civil war era, 所以这确实让我们相信这是一个被困在房♥子里的鬼魂 so it does give some credence to the idea that maybe this was an entity trapped in this house. 海斯:据说是安娜的鬼魂 Hayes: It"s said the ghost of anna,

 一个年轻的女孩实际上已经和酒店的设计者斯蒂尔·怀特订了婚 a young girl that was actually engaged to the man that designed the hotel, steele white, 意外摔死了 plunged to her death. 桑德罗:也许镜子里的那种形状就是安娜的灵魂 Sandalo: Maybe that kind of shape in the mirror might be the spirit of anna. 这张照片证实了吉姆在镜子里所看到的 Narrator: The photograph confirmed for jim that what he thought he saw in the mirror was, 实际上就是她 in fact, there. 事实上 这和他记忆中的形象相比显得有点苍白 Though in truth, it paled in comparison to the image in his memory. 当我拍下这张照片的时候 我知道我拍到了它 When I snapped the photo, I knew I had it, 但手♥机♥的闪光灯是开着的 我没有意识到 but the flash of the phone was on, and I didn"t realize it, 那时候 我简直吓坏了 so at the time, I was, like, freaking out. 我说 闪光灯毁了照片 I said, "the flash ruined the picture. 我什么都没拍到 但它就在那里 I"ve got nothing," but it"s there. 这足以让吉姆相信是时候结束他们在酒店的逗留了 Narrator: It was enough to convince jim that the time had come to end their stay at the hotel. 我说“我们还是离开这里吧” I said, "let"s just get out of here. “我们还是算了吧” Let"s just leave it now." 每个人都说“如果这事发生在我身上” you know, everybody says, "well, if it happened to me, “我会站在那里 我会努力与鬼魂沟通” I"d stand there. I"d try to communicate. “我就能得到更多的照片和视频” I"d get more pictures and videos." 不 你得不到 no, you don"t. 恐惧会占据你的整个身体 The fear just takes over your entire body. 在安全回到他们的家后 narrator: Once safely back at their home, 吉姆终于查看了他录制的视频片段

 jim finally took a look at the video footage he had recorded 并最终发现了一些震撼他的东西 and eventually stumbled on something that shook him to his core. 他以为这个娃娃 The doll that he had thought was just a decoration 只是酒店老板留在房♥间里的一种装饰 the hotel owners had left in the room appeared to become 一旦灯熄灭了 娃娃就完全变成了其他人或其他东西 something or someone else entirely once the lights were out. 吉姆:吓死我了 jim: It freaked me out. 我是说 这是个无生命的物体 I mean, this is an inanimate object. 这毫无道理 That makes no sense. 我是说 这太诡异了 I mean, that"s just freaky. 斯库曼:这是我看过的最恐怖的视频之一 Sceurman: This was one of the creepiest videos I"ve ever ...

推荐访问:Paranormal Caught on Camera《超自然实录(2020)》第二季第十一集完整中英文对照剧本 超自然 实录 一集