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时间:2022-07-06 17:30:03 来源:网友投稿




  -天啊[哔哔声] -下面是谁? -Holy [bleep]. -Who"s down here? 接下来在《超自然实录》中播出的是…… Narrator: Next on "paranormal caught on camera"... 这里有多少人被谋杀了? Man: How many people were murdered down here? ……幽灵猎人召唤阿尔·卡彭… Narrator: ...Ghost hunters summon al capone... 18 个 莫兰:这可能是我听过的最有趣的 evp 证据 Moran: It"s probably the most interesting evp evidence that I"ve ever heard. 它就像是通往灵魂世界的直接通道 It"s like a direct line to the spirit world. -哦,我的上帝 -[哔哔声] -Oh, my god. -[bleep] 那是什么 ……一个飞行物把旁观者吓坏了…… narrator: ...A flying object terrifies onlookers... 珀拉·沙帕:她会是女巫吗? Perla chapa: Could it be a witch? 请你告诉我 因为我不知道 You tell me because I don"t know. [说西班牙语] [ speaking spanish ] 我一直听到奇怪的声音 I"ve been hearing weird noises. ……一个恶作剧鬼在折磨一个大学生…… Narrator: ...A poltergeist torments a college student... 公♥寓♥里还有别的东西 There"s something else in that apartment. 男人:(说俄语) Man: [ speaking russian ] ……一种类似猿的神秘动物在西伯利亚狂奔 narrator: ...An ape-like cryptid runs wild in siberia... 它看起来就像一只大脚怪 It looks exactly like a bigfoot. 我的天啊 ……还有更多超自然影像必须你要看了… Narrator: ...And even more paranormal footage you have to see... [高音调的音乐尖叫声]

 [ high-pitched musical screech ] …才相信 ...To believe. (尖叫声继续) [ screeching continues ] 超自然实录 第二季 第十二集 卡彭的幽灵 The Ghost of Al Capone 当我们听到“UFO”这个词时 when we hear the term "ufo," 许多人首先想到的是有外星飞船在地球上空盘旋 the first thought that comes to many of our minds is an alien craft hovering high above the earth. 但事实上 不明飞行物 But in fact, ufo, or unidentified flying object, 是一个包罗万象的术语 is a catchall term used to describe 用来描述天空中任何在特定时间无法识别的事物 anything in the sky that simply cannot be identified at any given time. 它可能是气象气球 流星 It might be a weather balloon, a meteor, 一架军事无人机 a military drone, 或者在墨西哥蒙特雷的一个女人的目击事件中…… or in the case of one woman"s sighting in monterrey, mexico... 珀拉·沙帕:(说西班牙语) Perla chapa: [ speaking spanish ] ……是更难以置信的事情 narrator: ...Something far more unbelievable. 你没看出它有那么大吗? 会不会是会飞的女巫? Could it be a flying witch? 案例:女巫? 2006 年 在墨西哥蒙特雷的山城 in 2006 in the mountain town of monterrey, mexico, 黛安娜·珀拉·沙帕正忙着为当地的 UFO 爱好者组织一次会议 diana perla chapa was busy setting up a meeting for a local group of ufo aficionados 当她的几个同伴叫她注意天空中一个奇怪的物体时 when a few of her associates called her attention to a strange object in the sky. 它走了

 不 它没走 戴安娜 戴安娜迅速地爬过去 想要拍到一个稳定的镜头 narrator: Diana quickly scrambled to get a steady shot of the object. 它还在那? 但当最终聚焦时… And when it finally came into focus... 看看 它在那 …她简直不敢相信自己的眼睛 ...She couldn"t believe her eyes. 我看到了,它看起来很大 一开始我看到它的时候 in the beginning when I saw it, 我说 “那可能是气球” I said, "it could be a balloon." 那是什么? 然后我纠正自己 and then I"m correcting myself. 不 没有气球会那样飞 No, there is no balloon that flies like that. 看,它飞走了 更让戴安娜吃惊的是 这个物体飞过的这个区域 Narrator: What was even more startling to diana was how the object was flying through this particular area, 是一个风力很强的地区 an area with very strong winds. 这个物体 不管你叫它什么 This object, whatever you want to call it, 它不会改变高度、方向、速度 never changes the height, direction, the speed. 它没有改变任何东西 It never changes anything. 它移♥动♥得很慢 但是… It just moves so slowly, but... 在山上的某个地方 气流是如此之快 如此之强 In a place in the mountain the current of the air is so fast and so strong, 任何开自己小飞机的人都无法通过 they don"t allow anybody to fly their own little airplanes or whatever. 它能穿过风流 It passes through the current. 但它纹丝不动! It doesn"t even move!

 如何办到的? 解释给我听 How? How? Just explain me that. 没有人能向我解释 Nobody has been able to explain me why. 卡诺:不管是无人机、风筝还是气球 Cano: Were it a drone or a kite or a balloon, 它可能会被该地区盛行的强风吹倒 it would have been knocked around by the high winds that are prevalent in the area. 但它稳稳地漂过去 This floated through. 桑德罗:这就是为什么它让人们措手不及 Sandalo: That"s why it caught people off guard, 因为如果它只是随风飘浮的东西 because if it was just something floating "cause of the wind, 它会移♥动♥得更不稳定 it would move a little bit more erratically, 但它在以一种非常稳定的方式移♥动♥ but it was moving in a very steady way. 它那不自然的稳定运动确实是一种独特现象 Narrator: Its unnaturally steady movement was certainly unique, 物体的形状起初让人很困惑 but the object"s shape, which was at first baffling, 但很快它看起来就非常熟悉——熟悉又可怕 soon began to look very familiar -- familiar and terrifying. 它会是女巫吗? Could it be a witch? 你告诉我 因为我不知道 You tell me because I don"t know. 海斯:看起来像个女巫 Hayes: It looks like a witch. 我的意思是 它看起来就像一个女巫骑着扫帚飞过天空 I mean, it literally looks like a witch is flying on a broom across the sky. 麦克尼尔:这看起来绝对像一个人飘在天空中 在田野上移♥动♥ Mcneill: This looks absolutely like a person standing up in the sky, moving over the landscape, 也许穿着袍子、裙子或者斗篷之类的 maybe in a robe or a dress or a cloak of some kind, 但绝对是一个飘在天空中的全身幽灵 but absolutely a full-bodied apparition in the sky. 斯劳特:我认为其他人也看到这个景象 增加了正在发生事情的真实性 Slaughter: I think the fact that other people are seeing this adds validity to what"s going on.

 很难说清楚这是某种超自然现象还是某种外星现象 It"s hard to tell whether this is some sort of supernatural occurrence or some alien occurrence. 是我们的维度出了什么问题吗? Is this some sort of glitch in our dimension? 我们是不是看到了现实中没有的东西? Are we seeing something else that just isn"t in our reality? 因为急切地想知道这到底是什么东西 Narrator: Eager to find out exactly what this thing was, 是否是女巫 witch or otherwise, 戴安娜立即将视频展示给了不同领域的几位专家 diana immediately showed the video to several experts in various fields. 我们采访了制♥作♥火气球的人 We interviewed a person that has that makes these balloons with fire, 还有特殊风筝的制♥造♥者、飞行员、天文学家 the special kite maker, a pilot, astronomers, 他们都得出结论 and they all conclude, “我不知道那是什么” "I don"t know what that is." 我现在看见了 它看起来太大了 戴安娜的视频一传出去 narrator: Once word got out about diana"s video, 事情变得很严重 两个黑衣人 things got really serious when two men in black -- 没错 黑衣人 that"s right, men in black -- 突然造访了戴安娜的家 paid an unexpected visit to diana"s home. 珀拉·沙帕:他们就像电影里那样穿着黑色的衣服 Perla chapa: They were in black just like in the movies, 他们说 “不要发表它” and they said, "don"t publish it." 我们只是以为有人想开玩笑 we just took it like somebody wanted to play a joke. 但是不要搞错 Narrator: But make no mistake -- 黑衣人可不是闹着玩的 the men in black are no joking matter. 看 它在那

 海斯:所以黑衣人的第一次出现 Hayes: So the men in black first burst 是在上世纪 60 年代 在西弗吉尼亚州的快乐角 on the scene around the "60s in point pleasant, west virginia. 他们的出现主要目的是阻止看到奇怪事情的人到处谈论 Their main goal is to discourage people that have seen strange things from talking about them. 他们威胁当事人的家人 They threaten family members. 他们威胁当事人会失去工作 They threaten jobs. 他们基本上会做任何事情来掩盖这个话题 They basically do anything that they can to hush up the subject. 它看起来很大 麦克尼尔:他们在大多数人的报告中所做的 似乎是控制我们的看法 Mcneill: What they appear to do in most people"s reports is manage our perceptions. 他们出现是因为知道你看到了什么 They show up to let you know you did see something, 他们不想让你谈论这件事 and they don"t want you to talk about it. 卡诺:我听过的关于黑衣人的故事通常都有点险恶 Cano: Any tale I"ve ever heard of the men in black has usually been a little sinister, 有点威胁 a little threatening. 所以如果你被他们拜访过 So if you were visited by them, 很有可能你无意中发现了一些你不应该看到的东西 it"s very possible that you have stumbled upon something you shouldn"t have seen. 那是什么? 但是戴安娜并不在意他们的警告 Narrator: But diana was not concerned about their warning. 我说 “尽管来吧 你在开玩笑吧” I said, "come on. You"re joking." 我只是迈了一大步 I just took it on a stride. 经过更多的研究 戴安娜也发现了 Narrator: After more research, diana also discovered 这已经不是第一次在蒙特雷见到这个女巫了 that this was not the first time this witch-like figure was spotted in monterrey. 就在两年前 一名当地警♥察♥报告了一个令人难以置信的类似的目击事件 A local policeman reported an incredibly similar sighting just two years earlier.

 珀拉·沙帕:一个警♥察♥在他的巡逻车里 Perla chapa: A policeman was in his patrol car, 他说有个女巫从树上掉到了他的车上 and he says that a witch dropped from a tree to his car. 我们让他把看到的画出来 We asked him to make a drawing of what he saw, 画出来的和我们拍到的几乎一样 and it"s almost the same as what we taped. 哦 这两件事似乎有关联 ooh, these two things seem related. 也许有关联 也许没有 Maybe they are. Maybe they"re not. 但是对于把更多细节加入到故事中的人来说 But to everyone who comes and adds to the story and builds to it, 现在它有了自己的生命 it now takes on a life of its own. 它从小变大 It starts small and then becomes something greater. 虽然还不能百分百确定那个不明飞行物是女巫 Narrator: Though still not 100% sure the unidentified flying object was a witch, 戴安娜知道 这段视频今后会让人困惑 diana knows the video will bewilder and 引发人们的想象 capture the imagination for years to come. 珀拉·沙帕:你的肤色 Perla chapa: It doesn"t matter your color, 种族、经济 并不重要 your race, your economy. 每个人都会对无法解释的事情感兴趣 Everybody gets interested in something that it cannot be explained. 它看起来很大!

 接下来 Narrator: Coming up -- 捉鬼者试图与臭名昭著的死人接触 ghost hunters attempt to make contact with infamous dead bad guys. 艾尔·卡彭今晚会来吗? Man: Is al capone here ...

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