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时间:2022-07-06 17:30:03 来源:网友投稿




 前情提要 Previously on "Big Sky"... 所以你和凯西在一起了吗 So, are you and Cassie together now? -我不知道 I don"t know. -听起来你要做出选择了 Sounds like you got a choice to make. 我确实想聊聊我们的事 I wanted to talk to you about us. 有同事打电♥话♥报告 一辆瑞德·科尔法克斯卡车的事 We got a line on one of those Reed Colfax trucks. 拜托 女士 那是上等货 C"mon, lady, that"s prime product there. 确实是上等货 -你想让我怎样 - Prime product, indeed. - What do you want from me? -我需要发展一个内线 I need a man on the inside. 莫娜 理查德 我很抱歉 Mona. Richard. I"m so sorry. 有人杀了我儿子 Someone killed my son. 梅森死于吸毒过量 Mason died of a drug overdose. 你们打算怎么处理这件事 So, what are you doing to solve this? -我们必须按照程序办事 -你们要等着 - We have to follow protocol. - You"re gonna wait? 要是我们能查到布拉集团与此案有关 就能扳倒他们 If we could just trace this back to the Bhullars, we could take them down. Aah! Aah! 珍妮 你差点没命 Jenny, you could"ve been killed. 我们得立刻回去 申请搜查令 然后突击搜查那个实验室 We need to go back right now, pull a warrant, and raid that lab. 如果我拿着搜查令过去 结果扑了个空 If I go in there with a flimsy warrant 咱俩可能会丢掉饭碗 and we whiff, it could mean my job and yours. 你完全确定那里有证据吗 Are you absolutely sure the evidence is there?

 -总是来找茬的芭比警♥察♥ That Barbie doll cop"s gonna be trouble. -那就直接把问题连根拔起 Then we eliminate the problem. 斯通先生 你能帮我们解决吗 Mr. Stone, can you handle that for us? 刘易斯与克拉克县 警长 我请你喝啤酒 -改天吧 - Buy you a beer? - Gotta take a rain check. 我得回家喂麦克莫蒂 I gotta go home and feed McMurtry. -什么 -我们从救助站领养了一只猫 - What? - We rescued a cat from the shelter. 它问题不少 乱挠东西 还经常小便 It"s got issues... claws, weak bladder. 等一下 你养了一只猫吗 Wait, you have a cat? 晚安 Good night! 晚安 Good night. -好 Okay. -不能在这里动手 We"re not doing this here. -那让她跟我们兜个风 Just get her to come for a ride. -你疯了吗 You"re crazy. 你有任务在身 我是来监督你的 You have a job. I"m here to see you do it. 有问题吗 Is there a problem? 没有 女士 我们就是路过 No, ma"am. We"re just passing through. 路过 - Passing through. - Mm. 那我真失望 That"s disappointing. 我还以为你们是来自首的

 I thought you might be here to turn yourselves in. 你们要是想 我可以开张单子 If you want, I can write you a ticket for loitering, 就说你们鬼鬼祟祟地在警局外面逗留 staking out a sheriff"s station. 不用 没这个必要 因为我们要走了 对吧 I don"t think that"s necessary. "Cause we"re just leaving, right? Mm. 如果你们打算养成这样的习惯 提前跟我说一声 Give me a heads up if you decide to make a habit out of whatever this is. 下次我会给你们带甜甜圈来 Next time, I"ll bring you boys doughnuts. 《天空市凶案》 ♪ Changed thangs ♪ -早安 Ah, good morning. -早安 Good morning. -我吵醒你了吗 Did I wake you? -算是吧 -那就好 - Kind of. - Oh, well, good. 因为我在很努力地吵醒你 "Cause I was trying really hard to do exactly that. 哎呀 你还会做饭呢 Oh, he cooks. ♪ You always find ways ♪ 怎么样 好吃吗 So... how is it? 比我预期的要好吃 Better than I expected. 那你打几分 如果 10 分是满分的话 Uh-huh, and where is that on the scale? Like, out of 10? 你曾是那种总是被老师 奖励小金星的学生吧 You were one of those kids who kept all the gold stars from his teacher, didn"t you? 谁会把金子给别人啊 Who throws out gold? 你得去买♥♥吃的了 我把你冰箱里的东西全用光了 Uh, oh, I... You"re gonna need to go grocery shopping. I used everything in your fridge for that... 其实也没多少

 - Mm. - ... which wasn"t saying much. 好吧 我明白了 Okay, I see how it is. 所以你不尝炸蛋皮面包了吗 So that"s a no on the torrijas? -我都不知道那是什么 I don"t even know what that is. -西班牙版的法国土司 Oh, Spanish version of French toast. 我更喜欢吃煎饼 More of a pancake girl, 但我们还是慢慢来 but we"ll just take this one day at a time. 我在想着能改变你的主意 Well, I"m thinking I can change your mind. 是吗 - Really? - Mm. 你这么想吗 You think so? Freedom ♪ ♪ Now that you"re around ♪ Mm. 没事吧 Everything okay? 是丹尼斯和杰丽 貌似她们一直在联♥系♥我 Oh, it"s Denise and Jerrie. Looks like they"ve been trying to reach me. 杰丽·肯尼迪 嘿 我是杰丽 Hey, it"s Jerrie. 抱歉不能接电♥话♥ Sorry I missed your call. 如果你想留言… - If you want to leave me a message... - Mm. 你和杰丽走得很近 You and Jerrie have gotten close. 对 你可以这么说 Yeah, yeah, um, I g-guess you could say that. 很难弄清楚你跟别人是什么关系 知道吗 I mean, it"s hard to know where you stand with people, you know? -我觉得很难… -你在做那种事 - Like, I-I find it hard. - You"re doing that thing.

 说些不着边际的话 Talking and not saying anything. 好吧 Okay, um... 我得向你坦白 我们暧昧过 I have to confess, there was a moment between us. Oh. 暧昧吗 A moment? 我们接吻了 We kissed. 我没打算那么做 或…但那件事算是发生了 I-I didn"t plan for it or... but it sort of happened. -好吧 要么发生了 要么没发生 所以… Well, it either did or it didn"t. -你说得对 -所以 - You"re right. - So... 对 确实发生了 Yeah, it did. 好 Okay. 我不确定自己现在是什么感受 但谢谢你告诉我 Not sure how I feel right now, but, um, good to know. 我们当时一时情迷 然后就… We... We got caught up in a moment. It... 我们不必仔细谈论此事 You know, we don"t even need to get into it. 不 但我… No, but I-I, um... 杰丽·肯尼迪 我们得聊聊理查德·福特的事 我不是想回避这次谈话 I am not trying to bail on this conversation, 但我得走了 but I-I think I should go. 她们需要我去趟办公室 理查德·福特的案子 They need me at the office for something... Richard Ford case. 我去换衣服 I"ll get changed. 你确定不想留下吃完早餐吗 Are you sure? You don"t want to stay and finish your breakfast?

 公♥司♥叫“杜威和霍伊特” It"s called Dewell and Hoyt. 还有 我打七分 我要带着走 And... 7 of out 10. I"ll take it to go. 七… Se... 没问题 You got it. 你疯了吗 What are you, crazy? 布拉集团想杀你灭口 Bhullars want you dead. 威尔亲自对我下的命令 Veer gave me the order himself. 所以你打算怎么做来着 So what was the plan? 让我上你的车 带我去森林 然后一枪崩了我吗 Get me into your car, take me to the woods, and shoot me? 拜托 你知道是怎样的 Come on. You know how it is. 但要是你的话 就说不好了 Not with you I don"t. -我知道底线在哪 -你显然不知道 - I know where that line is. - You clearly don"t. 拜托 Come on. Come on. 全都是因为你女朋友 对吧 This is about your girlfriend, isn"t it? 凯特是我的线人 Kate was my C.I. -也是你女朋友 And your girlfriend. -不 凯特只是我的线人 No. Kate was my C.I., okay? 好吗 最后一次跟威尔见面时 And I should have pulled her before that last meeting 我该让她别去的 with Veer, and I d... 但我没有 她因为我死了 And I didn"t, and she died "cause of me. 她因为我的疏忽死了

 She... She died "cause of what I didn"t do. 你打算杀死威尔吗 Are you planning on killing Veer? 我需要知道 I need to know. 我没想到他们会想杀了你 我会解决这件事 I didn"t know they were gonna make you a target, but I"m gonna handle it. 听着 特维斯 你还是能脱身 Travis. Travis, you can still get out. -我在制定一个计划 你… I"ve been working on a plan. You"ve... 不行 别再计划什么了 珍妮 No. Stop with the plans, Jenny. 如果你继续找他们的麻烦 他们会杀了你 If you keep going after them, they"re gonna kill you. 你出去吧 You can let yourself out. 我记得那天 I remember that day. 妈妈还活着 Mom was still alive. 我们得聊聊爸爸的事 他到底怎么了 We need to talk about Dad. What the hell is going on with him? 嘿 Hey. 我也想杜鲁夫 但我们没时间沉浸在悲伤中 I miss Dhruv, too, but we don"t have time to wallow. 据我所知 凡事依然是爸爸说了算 Last I checked, Dad still calls the shots. 对 但如果他杀死珍妮·霍伊特 Yeah, but if he kills Jenny Hoyt, 那就不会有好结局了 then that"s not gonna end well. 对 这就是他的作风 以眼还眼 Yeah, well, that"s how he likes things... an eye for an eye. -情况变了 杰格 Things have changed, Jag. -是吗 Have they? 对 你想想生意的事 Yes. Think about the business.

 他为什么往货里掺杂质 Why would he cut the drugs? 因为卡浦尔家族 Because of the Kapoors, 因为维克拉姆 因为钱 because of Vikram, because of money. 对 我们现在到底身处什么情况 Right. How are we doing, really? 因为艾莉西亚没有直接回答我 "Cause I didn"t get a straight answer from Alicia. 艾莉西亚或许知道什么 Alicia probably knows something, 但我们只能看到他想让我们看到的 but we only get to see what he wants us to see. 感觉我们得逼他说出真♥相♥了 It"s like we have to corner him to get a real answer. -我觉得目前这是下策 I think that"s a bad idea right now. -不 我们可以的 No, we can do this. 你可以 You can do this. 鼠尾草 有助于净化 Sage. Good for cleansing. 瞧瞧你俩 Look at you two. 感觉像是姐弟俩在密谋什么 我觉得很可爱 So brother and sister conspiring kind of thing. It"s cute, I think. 爸爸呢 Where"s Dad? 他在跟自己的离岸银行工作人员开会 He is meeting with his off-shore banker. 你俩刚刚在聊什么 So what were you two talking about? 希望是关于实验室的事 Hopefully it"s about the lab, 因为你们父亲希望实验室尽快恢复运行 because your father is expecting it to be back up and running. 你们了解他的 他没有耐心 You know how he is... impatient. 我们刚刚被警长办公室突击检查

 We were just raided by the sheriff"s department. 你不觉得我们该低调一阵子吗 Don"t you think we should lay low for a second? 对 这件事我得赞同雷恩的想法 Yeah, I"m gonna have to agree with Ren on that one. 我有个计划 I have a plan. -是吗 You do? -你在蒙大拿的律师是谁 Who"s your lawyer here in Montana? 我还没找好 但我… I-I don"t have one in place yet, but I... 我想也是 That"s what I thought. 换作是我 就不会让你♥爸♥知道 I wouldn"t let your father know that if I were you. 跟我们说说你的计划 Tell us your plan. 如果我去趟警长办公室呢 What if I pay the sheriff"s department a little visit? 给他们提个醒 Put them on notice? How does that sound? 我是韦恩州立大学法学院毕业生 1995 级 Wayne State Law School, class of "95. 随时为你效劳 At your service. 谢谢 Thank you. 嘿 我从理查德妻子那里 打听到了他的越野车信息 Hey, I got the details on Richard"s SUV from his wife. 很好 我把消息传出去 看能不能找到他 Oh, great. I"ll get the word out and see if we can track him down. 你们来了 今天你俩拼车来的吗 There you guys are. You guys carpool today? Uh... 现在是什么情况 so, where are we at? Uh... 昨天丹尼斯和林多尔跟他谈过后 理查德没回家 Richard didn"t go hom...

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