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时间:2023-07-06 11:15:02 来源:网友投稿




How to Learn English Very Well

Hello, everybody! Do you wonder how to learn English well? Here is someadvice. First, we should make a new resolution and implement the plans step bystep. We need to improve our English skills from four aspects—listening, speaking,reading and writing. To improve my listening skills, I often listen to English newsand stories. I also listen to English songs when I am free. As for speaking, I oftengo to the English club to practice speaking English. Keep practicing speakingEnglish in and out of class is very important to all of us. As for reading, I oftenread language points, new words and expressions. Reading some interesting stories,news papers and so on is pretty necessary for us all. And to improve my writing,keeping a diary and writing articles in English are a good way for me.

In short, if you work hard and plan your studies, you can learn English very well.




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