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时间:2023-06-29 12:35:02 来源:网友投稿


Negros Oriental’s provincial capital and smallest local government unit, Dumaguete City goes by the tag“City of Gentle People” because of its warm and hospitable way of life.But beyond this age-old moniker2moniker 名字,绰号。, this southern destination boasts of a blend of everything from sports, food trip, flying, and everything in between.

2With tree-lined roads, less motor vehicles, and the postcard-perfect Rizal3指何塞·黎刹(Jose Rizal,1861—1896),菲律宾民族英雄、革命者、国父。黎刹出生于一个富裕的菲籍华人家庭,既是拥有博士学位的眼科医生,也是精通多国文字的语言天才。面对西班牙殖民者的统治,他以笔为刀,用文学创作唤醒民族意识。1896 年,年仅35 岁的黎刹因倡导和平改革遭西班牙当局拘捕并处决。Boulevard, Dumaguete is a haven4haven 安全的地方;
安乐窝。for biking, both for fitness and touring its head-turning sceneries on a slow pace.The 780-meter bayside road, named after the national hero, is the ground zero5ground zero 开始,起点。of cyclists and joggers before doing a circuit6circuit(尤指)环形道路(或路线、赛道)。run around the city and nearby towns.

3This active lifestyle has earned the city reputation of being a sports tourism center in the south, periodically bagging the prestigious Philippine Sports Tourism Award.


2绿树成荫的道路、较少的机动车辆和风景如画的黎刹大道让杜马格特成了骑行天堂,可以是出于健身目的骑行,也可以是边骑边慢慢欣赏引人注目的景致。这条780 米长的海湾公路以民族英雄黎刹的名字命名,是骑行者和慢跑者环绕这座城市和周边小镇进行锻炼的出发地。


4A new bayside spot is the Panilongon7宿务语,意思是庇护所。1519 年—1521 年,麦哲伦率领船队首次环航地球,死于与菲律宾当地部族的冲突中。手下埃尔卡诺继任船队指挥继续了未完成的航程,途中路过宿务岛(Cebu Island)和薄荷岛(Bohol Island)附近的一座小岛,他们称其为Panilongon。历史学家据资料中的描述推断,Panilongon 便是今天的内格罗斯岛(Negros Island)。marker which was unveiled in May to commemorate the 500th year of the Magellan-Elcano expedition, which passed by Negros in 1521 after their defeat in Cebu8宿务,又称“宿雾”,菲律宾第二大城市。. The galleon-themed design is arguably the most beautiful among the quincentennial9quincentennial 500 周年的。markers of the monumental circumnavigation10circumnavigation 环球航行。of the world.

5Another sought-after attribute of Dumaguete is its vibrant food scene which almost has everything for everybody at very reasonable prices. Rizal Boulevard is the traditional dining haunt because of the cluster of decades-old houses and buildings which have been restored and transformed into boutique hotels, coffee shops, restaurants, bars,and souvenir stores.

6Must-try restos in this historic road are the old guards—Casablanca, Don Atilano Steakhouse, Chin Loong, and Sans Rival, makers of the sought-after silvanas11杜马格特特产甜品,一种冰淇淋奶油饼干。. To the far-end of the boulevard’s extension are Hayahay Treehouse Bar, Lab-as Seafood Restaurant,and Lantaw Restaurant which serve Visayan12Visayan 米沙鄢的;

4纪念麦哲伦和埃尔卡诺环球航行500 周年的帕尼隆贡纪念碑于5 月份揭幕,成为海湾边的一个新景点。1521 年,战败于宿务后,麦哲伦探险队经过了内格罗斯。这个以大帆船为主题的设计可以说是世界纪念麦哲伦环球航行 500 周年最美丽的标识。


6在这条历史悠久的大道上,有一些必去的老派餐厅——卡萨布兰卡、唐阿提拉诺牛排馆、金龙和Sans Rival,其中Sans Rival 制作的甜品silvanas 广受欢迎。位于大道延长线尽头的是哈雅嗨树屋酒吧、Lab-as 海鲜餐厅以及提供米沙鄢美食的Lantaw 餐厅。

7For intimate casual dining, The Henry Hotel beckons with its garden ambiance away from the crowd. The charming boutique hotel is home to Noelle’s Brunch Bar, Coffee Collective,Si, Señor, Negrense Craft Beers, and a branch of Sans Rival.

8A stone’s throw away13a stone’s throw away 投石之远,一箭之地。is Northpoint,an al fresco14al fresco 户外的,露天的。foodcourt for short orders,cold beverages, and an assortment of Japanese, Korean and Turkish dishes.To the far end of the reclaimed road15reclaimed road 填海造出的道路。reclaim 回收,开垦。is Chiztix Country, a colony of street food stalls beside the Silliman Beach which was put up by the city government to encourage micro-enterprise among locals.

9Those seeking more romantic and exclusive setting can drive to the secluded Giardino Romantico, a dining haunt16haunt 常去的地方。tucked in the upscale neighborhood of barangay17描笼涯是菲律宾语Barangay 的闽南话翻译,本指南岛居民移居到菲律宾时所乘搭的描笼涯船,后指菲律宾最小行政区划,大小类似于中国的一个街道办。Cantil-e. Literally meaning “romantic garden,” this cozy nook18nook 角落,僻静处。of Sicilian trader Gerardo Rallo is a merry mix of European specialties and all-time favorites in a blended European, Oriental and Filipino resortthemed restaurant.

7亨利酒店四周花园环绕,远离尘嚣,吸引您前来享受私密的休闲餐饮。这家迷人的精品酒店拥有诺艾尔早午餐吧、Coffee Collective 咖 啡 厅、Si,Señor 餐厅、内格罗斯精酿啤酒吧以及一家Sans Rival 分店。


9那些追求更浪漫、更幽静环境的人可以驱车前往僻静的Giardino Romantico,这是一家隐藏在坎蒂莱描笼涯高档社区的餐厅,字面意思为“浪漫花园”。这个由西西里商人杰拉尔多·拉洛打造的舒心角落是一家融合了欧洲、东方和菲律宾度假主题的餐厅,提供各种欧洲特色菜和餐厅招牌菜。

10此处还有一个 40 座的艺术画廊主题高级餐室兼葡萄酒吧、一个浅水池、几间本土屋舍以及 12 间亚洲风情房间,能让您完全不受干扰地享受私人空间。您还可以与和蔼可亲的意大利老板谈天说地,他见多识广,接得上几乎所有话题。

10It also has a 40-seater art gallerythemed fine dining room and wine bar,a shallow pool, several native cottages,and 12 Asian-inspired rooms for a complete hideaway in best-kept secrets. Feel free to chat with the amiable Italian owner who can converse on virtually any topic under the sun.

11If you love authentic Indian spices,Biryani19印度比尔亚尼菜,印度香饭。Point is the place to be. An unassuming dining spot just a hundred meters away from the city limits in Bacong town, this culinary masterpiece of Chef Sayyed Junead will transport20transport 使产生身临其境的感觉。you to the mystic south Asian subcontinent with its vast array of delectable dishes.

12To spare you the trouble of selecting dishes, order the Thali platter21platter大浅盘。, a complete meal which has portions of its best sellers. Beef lovers would be delighted to know that Biryani Point also serves halal22halal (肉)按伊斯兰教教规宰杀牲畜取得的,合伊斯兰教教规的。beef as the chef is a Muslim Indian.

13Despite its size, Dumaguete is also a haven for golfers with a driving range within the city and a full course in neighboring Sibulan town. Beginners can get the feel of the sport at the Ang Tay Golf Driving Range, and sample its Filipino and Chinese dishes afterwards.

11如果您喜欢正宗的印度香料,比尔亚尼之角是您的最佳去处。这个毫不起眼的餐厅位于巴孔镇,距离市镇边界仅100 米,主厨赛义德·朱内德以其精湛厨艺烹制出品类繁多的美味佳肴,让您体验神秘的南亚次大陆风情。



14如果想打一场让肾上腺素飙升的球,您可以去四星级的布拉沃酒店。它俯瞰塔尼翁海峡和宿务南端。酒店里有一个18 洞高尔夫球场,由长门洋一设计,球道两旁绿树成荫。打完球您可以在餐吧享用鲜嫩的牛排和用柴火砖炉烤出的特色主食——布拉沃披萨。

14For an adrenaline-pumping23adrenaline-pumping 让肾上腺素飙升的。game,you can hit the tree-lined fairways 18-hole Youichi Nagato-designed golf course within the four-star Bravo Hotel complex which overlooks Tanon Strait and Cebu’s southern tip. Wrap up the game with the tender steaks and the signature wood-fired brick oven Bravo Pizza at its restaurant and bar.

15After the exhilarating game, you can fire a few rounds24round(子弹的)一发。at the firing range,dip at the swimming pools, or better yet, spend the night in the hotel’s artsy25artsy 附庸风雅的;
装作爱好艺术的。suites adorned with abstract paintings.

16Finally, you can take adventure to greater heights through an aerial tour via Royhle Aviation Academy which can take you to a breathtaking flight of fancy and view Dumaguete and its environs. For a taste of student pilot’s training, the flying school and air charter company can customize a tourist program which approximates26approximate 接近,近似。the total experience including lodging and feasting on tasty south Asian dishes prepared by its Nepali cooks at Emman Hotel,Royhle’s official quarters.

17With the diverse bike, bite, drive,and fly experience, there’s certainly more to gentle moments of sightseeing and nostalgia in Dumaguete.




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