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时间:2023-06-22 17:20:02 来源:网友投稿



吐鲁番的导游词 第1篇








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汉唐以来,高昌是衔接中原、中亚、欧洲的枢纽,它既是经贸运动的集散地,又是世界宗教文明的荟萃地。当时波斯等 地的商人,从他们国度带来苜蓿、葡萄、香料、胡椒、宝石和骏马来到高昌城,又从这里带走中原的丝绸、瓷器、茶叶和造纸、炸药、印刷术。与此同时,世界各地的宗教先后经高昌传入内地。当时的居民先后信仰佛教、景教和摩尼教,高昌成了世界古代宗教最活泼、最发达的处所。


讲经堂遗迹→ 唐僧玄奘与高昌




吐鲁番的导游词 第2篇

各位游客:欢迎大家来到吐鲁番。提起吐鲁番,人们就会情不自禁地想起“西部歌王”王洛宾,他那“吐鲁番的葡萄熟了,阿娜尔罕的心儿醉了”,美妙的歌词,动人的旋律,把我们带入了一个如诗如画的境界。下面就让我们走进吐鲁番,共同去感受一下它的神奇魅力吧! 吐鲁番的地理特点→气候特征“最热、最低、最旱、最甜”,这是人们对吐鲁番的形象描述,也准确地概括了吐鲁番的地理和气候特点。



由于其独特的地理环境,吐鲁番成了中国夏季气温最高的地方,每年6—8月,这里平均气温为35℃一37℃之间,极端最高气温达℃,而地表温度超过70℃,所以人们形容这里“沙窝里能烤熟鸡蛋,石板上能烙熟大饼”。当我们的汽车行驶穿梭在村庄里时,还可以看到这样新奇的现象,即家家户户的床都放在屋外,当地的居民就是这样来度过炎热的夏季的。因此从古到今人们把吐鲁番称为“火洲”也是恰如其分的。不过,尽管这里绝对温度很高,但昼夜温差较大,外加盆地中常刮大风,即使白天酷热难当,一旦太阳下山,夜幕降临, 气温也会逐渐凉爽下来。特别是春秋两季,温差更加明显,早 晚和中午,俨然两个季节,“早穿皮袄午穿纱”是吐鲁番盆地气候特点的真实写照。




吐鲁番,古称高昌、西州、火州,早在20XX多年前的西汉时期,就成了西域地区的政治、经济和文化的中心,是古代丝绸之路上的著名重镇。当地车师人所建的车师前国曾在此称雄一时,两晋时这里是西域都护府所在地,建立了“高昌郡”。麴氏高昌王国灭亡后,唐朝在这里设置了“西州”。宋代漠北 回鹘人大举西迁,又建立了高昌王国。元明两代改设“火州”、“和州”。清设吐鲁番直隶厅。民国2年(公元1913年)设置吐鲁番县。1985年撤县设吐鲁番市。






吐鲁番的导游词 第3篇















吐鲁番的导游词 第4篇

Dear tourists

Xinjiang is the largest grape producing area in China, and also the birthplace of grape cultivation in According to the survey, there are more than 50 grape varieties in Especially in Turpan, grapes are planted everywhere, accounting for more than 90% of the total grape planting area in Xinjiang, making it a "Kingdom of grapes". The grape of Turpan evokes our infinite The wonderful lyrics of "the grapes in Turpan are ripe, and anaerhan"s heart is drunk" sung among people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang fully express people"s admiration for Grape is known as "Pearl and agate" and has become the symbol of "hometown of melons and fruits" in Now let"s go to the most beautiful place in Turpan, Grape Valley, to experience anaerhan"s intoxicated mood!

Tourists, our car is driving by the flame mountain, and the west end of the mountain is the Grape

Putaogou is a north-south river valley in Huoyanshan mountains, with a total length of 7 km and a maximum width of 2 It is full of vineyards, inhabited by Uygur, Hui, Han and other ethnic fruit If you walk into the Grape Valley, you will see the people"s canal from Tianshan The water passes through the The trees are luxuriant, the air is humid, and the climate is cool and pleasant, which is in sharp contrast to the blazing flame Looking up at the volcano and looking down at the green space, it is really a good place for

Vineyard → seedless grapes → raisin drying room now we come to the The grapes here are like the green clouds covering the sky and the green carpet covering the They are connected by pieces, and the green shade covers the They are The vineyard in the grapevine Valley covers an area of more than 400 The main varieties are seedless white grape, MARUKI grape, rose red, kashhar, bijiagan, black grape, soso grape, In addition, jingzaojing, aimina, seedless purple, seedless red, rose fragrance and other excellent grape varieties are introduced from Its fruit shape is different, there are spherical, oval, cylindrical, oval, some bright like agate, some crystal like pearls, and some green as With an annual output of more than 6000 tons of grapes and more than 300 tons of raisins, it can be called the "world vineyard".

The outstanding grape in Xinjiang is seedless white grape, which is widely planted in Grape Look! The "Green Pearls" with oval fruit grains and light yellow green fruit hanging on the grape trellis are It has thin skin, crisp meat, juicy and sweet The sugar content of the fresh fruit is more than 24%, which exceeds the sugar content of California grape in the United States and becomes the sweetest grape in the Because it has no seeds, it is most suitable for drying After drying, it contains more than 75% sugar, protein, organic acid and other It is a good dry fruit with rich The seedless raisins, which are crystal clear and jade like, are green and bright in color, sweet and sour to eat, and are known as "China Green Pearl".

The second largest cultivated area in the grape ditch is maruzi Its fruit is long columnar or spindle shaped, with thin and tough skin, juicy and crisp flesh, no fragrance, but especially It is worth mentioning that due to the unique natural conditions such as low-lying, high temperature, less precipitation and strong solar radiation, all grapes in Turpan Basin are free of diseases and pests, let alone spraying As a result, Xinjiang raisin is famous at home and abroad, becoming a rare natural non-toxic

Tourists, walking in the green corridor, looking at the attractive grapes, it"s really very comfortable! Just now some tourists asked: how are raisins made? Look! The flat topped, rectangular, civil structure house in front of us is a drying room specially built for drying The wall of drying room is a perforated wall made of soil blocks, and the rectangular holes mainly play the role of free The door of the drying room is mostly located in the north or East, which can reduce the sunlight on the one hand, and on the other hand, when transporting grapes, if the drying room can"t hold for a while, it can be temporarily placed on the north wall outside the drying room, so that it won"t be exposed to the sunlight for several hours, and the quality of the dried grapes will not In Turpan, such air drying houses can be seen everywhere, but most of them are built on the hillside or on the Bank of ditch, where the terrain is open, flat, well ventilated and At this point, tourists may have understood that the method of making raisins in Turpan is It is not only different from other countries that use the sun to expose themselves to the sun, but also not use artificial heating and Instead, it is completely dried by the dry and warm In this way, the chlorophyll in the grape fruit is completely preserved, and the grape turns dry Among the raisins with an annual output of about ten thousand tons in the world, it can also be regarded as an exclusive

In addition to raisins, Turpan wine is also very famous for its good color, aroma and long brewing Wang Han, a poet of Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem praising: "the wine is beautiful, sprinkle the luminous If you want to drink pipa, you will be urged Don"t laugh when you are drunk on the How many people have fought in the past The poet"s famous lines describe the charm of grape wine and the heroic spirit of the general galloping on the

Tourists, now we are in the north of On a marble tablet in front of us is written "Putaogou" This is the handwriting of Peng Zhen, former chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People"s You can take photos

Here the water is gurgling and the grape stands are We stroll in the grape corridor, just like enjoying the gardens in the south of the Yangtze We don"t know that we are in the Flaming Mountain in the scorching Through the stone bridge and in the grape Kingdom, you can see the spring water seeping from the gravel layer of the cliff, converging into a The fish in the pool seem to be as happy as the The fish are happy, the people are happy, and the spring is

Tourists, now we have a rest in the corridor of Grape We all sit around and enjoy the surrounding We also taste all kinds of fresh grapes and fruits with different colors, sizes and We are addicted to eating By the way, since 1990, the "China Silk Road Turpan Grape Festival" has been held in Turpan from August 20 to 26 every Grape in Turpan has broken through its own boundaries and become a bridge of cultural exchanges and a link of economic and trade

There are also grape Museum, wine tasting point, Folk Museum and other visiting facilities in the tourist area, as well as Uygur folk music We will visit them after a short

吐鲁番的导游词 第5篇

Dear tourists

When you come to Turpan, people can"t help but ask: how can there be large oases in places with extremely dry climate, known as "Huozhou" and "Fengku"? What"s the secret? The secret is the Karez group distributed in Xinjiang, which is like the blood of human body, extending to the vast Gobi and irrigating a large area of The wonderful Karez is also the most widely distributed in Turpan, becoming the spring of life and the source of evergreen, watering Turpan"s verdant grapes and sweet Now let"s visit this world-famous irrigation

Structure of Karez → construction method of Karez

Tourists, now we come to Karez First of all, please follow me to Karez museum to learn about the construction of

Karez is a kind of underground water diversion project created by the working people of all ethnic groups living in Xinjiang according to the local climate and hydrological There are about 1600 Karez in Xinjiang, among which Turpan is the most According to statistics, there are 1158 Karez in Turpan, with a total length of about 5000 km, which is equivalent to the mileage from Urumqi to Karez is one of the greatest underground water conservancy projects in ancient It is called "underground canal" by experts in Together with the great wall and Beijing Hangzhou Grand Canal, it is called the three major projects in ancient

You may have heard about Karez, but its structure may not be very Now I"ll introduce it to Karez was called "Jingqu" in ancient times, which means "Jingxue". It is composed of four parts: vertical shaft, underground channel, open channel and waterlogging

The reason why a large number of Karez were built in Turpan is inseparable from the natural conditions First of all, the terrain of Turpan Basin is very low, with an area of 20XX square kilometers below sea Turpan is surrounded by Every year, a large amount of snow on the mountains melts and flows into the When the snow water flows through the Gobi, it seeps into the ground to form a subsurface flow, which provides a rich source of water for

Then how is the Karez built? Please see: the construction method of Karez is to find the water source at the snow water undercurrent in the high mountains and valleys, and then drill a vertical shaft every 20 to 30 meters, the depth of the shaft varies from 10 to tens of meters, to gather the groundwater to increase the water potential, and then according to the terrain, dig an underground channel at the bottom of the shaft to connect with each well, drain it straight down, and connect it to a distant place Oasis, water will be led out from the open channel to the ground for Waterlogging dam is a reservoir for regulating water A Karez is generally about 3 km long, and the longest one is usually several Karez connected for tens or even hundreds of kilometers, in which there are at least dozens of shafts and more than 300 The shaft in the upstream is relatively deep, up to 100 meters in some cases, and the shaft in the downstream is relatively shallow, generally only a few The function of Karez is to avoid water This project is a great innovation to adapt to the characteristics of dry What is particularly praiseworthy is that the local people rely on their hands and simple tools to dig deep wells and underground The vastness of the project and the ingenious structure are

I would like you to recall that when we drove near Turpan City, we could see piles of round earth bags down the slope on the Gobi outside the lush oasis, extending to the oasis in an orderly Those are the vertical wellheads of If you look down from high altitude, those mounds are like necklaces tied with pearls, decorating Turpan, an ancient but still youthful

Reasons for the construction of Karez → origin of Karez tour guide of Xinjiang general situation tour guide of Putaogou in Turpan tour guide of Niya site

Now let"s talk about the reasons for the construction of Due to the drought and less rain in Xinjiang, the amount of evaporation is large, and the Karez is an underground channel for water delivery, with small evaporation and stable flow, which can be irrigated by gravity all the year In addition, the soil here is calcareous clay, so the dug Karez is very solid and not easy to The temperature of snow water in high mountains is very low, if direct irrigation is unfavorable to the growth of crops, while the surface temperature in Turpan is very high, the temperature rises naturally after snow water flows through Karez, which is very suitable for watering Therefore, in the long-term struggle against drought, people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang invented this method of digging wells and irrigating A Karez is a fresh spring that is not It forms the lifeline and lifeline of Huozhou, which makes Xinjiang, a place with little rainfall, accumulate water and become an indispensable spring of life in Xinjiang people"s

There are always three theories about the origin of Turpan Karez: one is the theory of Guanzhong well canal in Han This view holds that the "well canal method" invented by people in Han Dynasty was introduced into Xinjiang and developed into Karez The second is related to Lin After Lin Zexu was exiled to Xinjiang in the late Qing Dynasty, he went through Turpan in 1845 and found that it was hot and So he carefully checked the terrain and water sources, and guided the people of Xinjiang to invent this method of digging wells and irrigating fields according to their own geographical The third view is that Karez was first created by the Persians in Western Asia 2500 years ago and later passed down to Of course, these three views need to be

But what I want to tell you is that the distribution of Karez on the earth is connected with the Silk Road, which connects Eastern and Western Karez have been found in Pakistan, Iran and along the Caspian Therefore, it is no exaggeration to say that Karez is a pearl in the world cultural Until today, Karez still plays an important role in the agricultural development of Turpan,

Karez open channel → Karez culvert

After visiting the Karez Museum and walking out of the museum, you can see the clear spring beside the This is the pure snow mountain water flowing out of the Karez It is crystal If you reach for it, you will feel It"s really "crystal clear and cool".

The underdrain of Karez can only be seen when you enter the You can only see the water gurgling in the underdrain, which makes you feel very There are thousands of such wells and canals in The total length of the underground rivers is twice as long as that of the Great Wall, and far more than that of the Beijing Hangzhou Grand

Tourists, today"s Karez is not only an important water conservancy facility, but also a great cultural landscape for Chinese and foreign In particular, a folk song and dance performance full of Xinjiang Uygur strong customs in Karez paradise will make you feel The bright rhythm, light melody and passionate mood make you join them while You can"t help singing and dancing like Uygur girls and young men, and feel the pure fun of this song and dance

Ladies and gentlemen, the melodious singing in Karez paradise has already been Now, please go to enjoy it!

吐鲁番的导游词 第6篇

















吐鲁番的导游词 第7篇






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